Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 8, 2010

Where is the Love?

Hi folks.  In light of the day's discussions and events (LD & Beh.), I think that once you look at the printed lyrics you should make an effort to write a short piece about how they apply to our class and the rest of the school, world, etc. Sounds heavy but your response should be from your own perspective and whether you think the questions posed in the song are valid. Feel free to use the comment option or to submit it on paper on Tuesday. Give it a try...and have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving long weekend. : )

PS - it's time to change up the room...104 needs a new look.


Rohini said...

Ok, well I think that this song relates to the school, like the playground for example. On the playground, you are bound to see a couple of kids standing there all

by themselves, kicking rocks around, feeling ignored by their peers, being left out of everything. No one talks to them, and no one wants anything to do with

them. They are probably not even bad people but no one bothers to even say hi (I'm not saying everyone is like that...). Those people who feel alone, ignored,

left are probably wondering, "Where is the love?" This song also relates to the world because in the lyrics, it says, "But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Yeah madness is what you demonstrate" This was generated around the world and even now. The most obvious example; Hitler. He thought that people with

blond hair and blue eyes were more superior than everyone else. He was discriminating against everyone else. That lead to hate and the hate turned into millions

of people dying because of his inability to accept everyone for who they are. It's an inspring song and it relates to everyone.

Eric said...

I compeletely agree with you rohini :).

Then line where they say:
But if you only have love for your own race,
Then you only leave space to discriminate,
And discrimanate only generates hate,
And if hate you're bound to get irate.

aww I just saw Rohini wrote the same thing :(.

But that relates to the racism going on around the world such as the intolerance that went on during the COLD WAR between USA and Russia. During that time there was lack of trust, tolerance and respect between these to countries.

As the song says the lack of love and respect starts close to home such as in a classroom. The lyrics say that cinema and media has a big influence on people our age.

Its very hard to avoid that influence of cinema and media because there is so much exposure around us.

Eric :D

Eric said...

And when you said room 104 needs a new look do you mean for Haloween

Parag said...

Well in this song I think that when they say "where is the love?" they are talking about discrimination.There are many different ways of discriminating and some may be more severe than others such as Rohinis example of Hitler, but even small acts of discrimination like not including someone because of the way that they look or dress could have rather severe long term effects.

The thing that I like the most in the music video is how they use question marks to represent "where is the love?" When they leave the question marks everywhere I think that they are trying to spread the word and stand up against discrimination.Towards the end of the video I saw a big building light up to form a question mark.What I interpreted from that was that everyone was joing together in the fight against discrimination.

So next time you see someone being discriminated and left out, why not reach out to them and give them a chance...

Parag :)

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