Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 6, 2010


French-study for geo. test: terme,urbanisation, carte TN, article, video, cartogramme
-Finish the questions of your article for tomorrow

Math-Finish your values tables and graphs

Science-Finish the two work sheets for tomorrow

I think thats it!!!!


Rohini said...

I am pretty that we should also practice our music as well! Band is tomorrow, you know, for everyone who is in band...

Jeremy Wang said...

For the test what do we have to study?

Sophie said...

i wrote down

the characteristics
and then he erased it off the chalkboard :(
when he says
characteristics he meens PNB TN etc.

Sophie said...

what i meen he erased it off the chalkboard i mean he erased the rest of the stuff to study off the chalkboard....
my bad...:p

DjFaiza said...

wow, when did he ever say that we have a test?

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