Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 9, 2010

Umm Mr oickle do you know if it is possible to access my files that i have on my school account?
I really need some of the files there, and maybe some of the other students may need it too.



Rod Oickle said...

Not from home Raj. :(

Hilary said...

actually u can... i think, u just go to www.ocdsb.ca and then click on students corner and then you click on my files and u either type in your email address and password or your school username and password... forget which one but it worked for me when i tried it last year.

Rod Oickle said...

That's great Hilary. Now we know. Thanks :)

Raj said...

Nope, it doesnt work for me....i tried the same thing last year, but it didnt work either :(

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