Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 6, 2010

How to work Excel!!!!

I finally figured out how to make a graph on excel!!

-You have to put the words into numbers! ex: You have 5 yes's and 6 no's, you type 5 and 6 into a different excel window.

1.You highlight those 2 numbers and click insert graph !
2. You have to kind of fiddle around with it at first. I don't know how to explain it because it differnt for each person.

Hope that helps some people! Its not very descriptive, but it should help!


Aggie said...

u can also do it in word 2007 (if u have it), u click on insert graph and then which type, then a spreadsheet pops up and u type in data. i find it easier than excel.

Sophie said...

i dont unerstand im going to ask mr O 2morrow i really dont understand i cant figure this out and im tired so ill just to my graph 2morrow we've done all the value tables and everything its just the graph....

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