Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 6, 2010

science i think dislikes me :(

Does anyone get the science work with the cells-house... I dont get it................
i usaully dont get anything with science........
just ask rohini i call here all the time for science help lol -_-
so if u could help my problems it would be greatly appreciated
or i will have to call rohini like the 50th time in the last like week.........


(i probably will still call rohini) XD


Rohini said...

Thanks for the advertisement...:) Anyways, you are supposed to match up the certain parts of the cell with the appropriate furniture based on what they do that is similar. To tell you the truth, I can't even figure out which is which... :(

Aggie said...

what rohini said basically...i didnt get most of them either

Sophie said...

ya i dont know any of the answers only "chloroplaste" but the whole clas has that answer...

Your welcome rohini ;)
that was supposed to be a winky face but the font makes it look malformed lol

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