Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 30, 2010

Today's Homework

Hi! So today's homework is basically the same as yesterday's since we didn't have much class time due to Terry Fox.

-French~Verb test which is due on Friday
-Geograohy~The mexico film sheet and the "taux de natilité" map are both due on friday and the Cartographe is due tuesday
-Math~DMP, your survey should be ready to be posted by tomorrow
-English~Watch the "dove" video if you haven't already

Oh and don't forget to bring in money for Pakistan, try to bring in $10, if you can.


Rohini said...

About the cartogramme, do you have to colour all of countries a certain colour of your choice for a certain statistic on the sheet like life expectancy, etc, or is it just drawing the countries?

Vivian said...

Ya, you have to colour the countries, just like in the T.N map

Raj said...

Also, the question sheet for "article" is due tomorrow. I think....o.0

Vivian said...

oh ya that too

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