Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 19, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on les homophones tomorrow. Elections Test on the 26th and student vote will be happening the next day. Invention project for may 10th.
Math: Pg 256 4,6,7 Pg 257 8,11,12,13 Pg 258 14-16 for tomorrow, I assume.
English: Dumbest generation!!
Music: Composition projects for tomorrow and mini test for first 2 bars of #65 (sorry I had said 58 before).
Drama: Dances
Science: Les fluides.

Have a great night!:)


Jon H said...

yo that would of been so awesome our mini test for clarinet's. #58 is just a 2 bar rest for us :D too bad its #65 -_- :(

Rohini said...

Yeah... sorry about that!

Tom J-L said...

ya sorry about that is RIGHT rohini. i dont want to be tested on how well i sit in my chair >:(

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