Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Mar 7, 2011


hey people of the world(my class), I just wrote a poem that I would like to post to see what you guys think. It's not part of my poetry book it's for last week when Mr. O asked us to write a poem. I wasn't here, so I wrote my poem now! Here it is tell me what you think!!

:) (this is the title :p)

by Sophie

I live to laugh
while others cry
life passes by
it's do or die!

Some call me Smiley
I really don't care
they say you always smile
cause i got that flair!

Some people think I'm weird
cause I laugh all the time
I don't say anything
I continue my climb!

Be optimistic
Don't look at the downs
life is the best
What's with your frown?

Live life to the fullest
that's what I say
each day goes by
live your life today!

Thanks :)


Anonymous said...

Thats soo good sophie!!! You're a natural

Unknown said...


Rohini said...

It makes me happy just reading it!

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