Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 26, 2011


English project

Math booklet (i don't know if its the whole book)

French discour

Science fair


Jon Lu said...

Math: Pages 1-15 + 30-34. - Friday.
Booklet due at the end of the month.

French: Dictée préparée - Friday
French Discour Presentations for Febuary 7.

Maddie said...

Hey this is for Rohini and those who weren't here to day. Well, today we worked on math and our bookreports. We also had another talk about gay people, well, he read a response to us from someone in the class, don't worry, he didn't say the name so he wanted us to think about what he said. I guess you can't really do that so, nevermind then!

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