Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 14, 2011

Hey everyone! Happy Valentines day! I actually don't like valentines day, it's really just a day to remind everyone that their not in a relationship..........anyway Mr.O wanted me to post that the personal wordle is due Thursday and if you don't had it in by then, you don't get a mark. And this part is for Sofia Z. remember to take LOTS of photos and make sure to take one that makes you look like your holding the tower! I love it when people do that its so cool! (That was really good DQ cake! Can't get it off my mind, well and the chilly I'm having for diner. Hehe!) Anyway, I have to go eat something, I have food on my mind, remember to do your personal wordle. Also, the grad dance forms, don't know when their due but I'm sooo excited. You should probably hand them in as soon as possible because it would really, and I mean REALLY suck if everyone else was partying except for you! Food, right got to go! BYE!


Raj said...

You and your food, Maddie. IS THAT ALL U EVER THINK ABOUT?!?! :P

Sofia said...

do i have to do the wordle?

Anonymous said...

so for the wordle is it just about you. kind of like the one we did at the beginning of the year?

Rod Oickle said...

The wordle should demonstrate who you are today - which may be the same or different from who you were in the fall. Hobbies, interests, likes, dislikes, etc. BUT you may find that it takes you off into a different direction as well. We'll see...

Maddie said...


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