Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Apr 27, 2011

Whos among us?

so i thought this was pretty cool. when i ususally click on "whos among us" i look at the graph. i don't know how many of you actually saw this but there's a map at the bottom that shows what part of the world it is and to my shock, i saw that there was someone from FRANCE! Mr O said there were other people but this was still pretty cool for me.


Tom J-L said...

uuuuuugggghhhhh!!!! i realize i misspelled "usually"in my haste to post but either my computer or blogger is being difficult because i cant edit THIS post or publish a new one. i can write it and all, but i can't click "publish". it just won't work.

Anonymous said...

i think that might be Sofia...

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