Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

May 4, 2011

This is the video of Trudeau saying 'Just watch me' its pretty cool

Pierre Trudeau - Just watch me 

Nicely done Faisa! I didn't know there was video of that interview. : )


Tom J-L said...

there's also a video of chretien throwing away that protester. i watched them both yesterday.

DjFaiza said...

yeah , i've already seen that video .

Tom J-L said...

the funniest part was when the 30 year old guy was tryin to explain that he got taken down by a 60 year old. you could tell half way through that he realized that all hid friends would see it and laugh because he hesitated and then he was a bit timid after that.

Tom J-L said...


Tom J-L said...


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