Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 19, 2010


Today's homework...

Comment on your favourite book tonight for english, Hand in your permission form for the field trip, study for test on geographie humaine on Friday and practice #9 for music test tomorrow

That's it have a great day!!


Sierra said...

And for people who still haven't brought in materials for the cell project for Science should do that.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that tommorow is the board finals (x-country)!!! Come prepared for rain, as usual:(


Sophie said...

WOOHOOO go gators!! WERE GOING TO RUN LIKE WE NEVER RAN BEFORE WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! XD And i think tomorrow we have a verb test... I'm pretty sure he said mecredi!!! :)

Lydia said...

sophie are you sure about the verb test? i havent herd anything about that. only it being next week.
go gators!! :)

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