Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 10, 2010


My winning picture for photography club is finally on the home page for GMS! I know it's a little random for all of you but it's important to me! Go check it out, you know, if you want to...


Anonymous said...

its very pretty

Sierra said...

IT'S THE PRETTIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!! It reminds me of my cottage suring the fall. So pretty Rohini!!!!!!!!!!!

Sophie said...

NICE! Great Job!!! :)

Rohini said...

Aw, thanks! :)In case you wanted to know, I took it at Petrie Island.

ClaireB. said...

OMG. YOU TOOK THIS!? Whoa! Great job Rohini! It's fantastic!

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