Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 8, 2010


Hello guys here is the homework of the day:

Health-Do you eating record sheet for this week or next week. I`m not sure if we have health tomorrow, since it`s DPA but bring your health folder if you haven`t already done so.
Geography-The Africa map is due Wednesday
English-The wordle for October, and finish The Maestro book+connections, questions and comments, etc.
Math-Prepare a binder for the math package that should include: your booklet, loose paper, and a math notebook dedicated to the booklet.

Keep bringing in your report card slips, some of them are still not handed in yet. Band members, tomorrow is the last practice `till the concert, so don`t forget your instrument!!!

Enjoy your night!!! And see you tomorrow!


DjFaiza said...

is the wordle due tomorrow ?

DjFaiza said...
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Sofia said...


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