Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 18, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on Friday. Start thinking about the discours.
History: Immigration project due Jan 20.
English: Novel Study due Jan 28, for most, and Feb 1 for that awesome table in the very back! (Mr. Oickle actually said that our table can still hand it in on Feb 1; ask him!)
Math: Pages 1-15 and 30-34 must be completed by Monday.
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini test for the last 2 bars of #16.

Hand in your forms for registration for SRB by Monday. This Friday is Ugly Sweater Day!

Have a great night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and apparently their was a permission form that was handed out if you want to go and see bell high school this thursday.

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