Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jan 19, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on Friday.
History: Immigration project for Jan. 20.
Math: pages 1-15 and 30-34 must be completed for Monday .
English: Novel Study for Jan 28 or Feb 1 for some people.
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini test last two bars of #16.
Science: Science Fair and catapult.
Health: Cigarette box cover for the end of the unit.

Please bring in your forms for registration into SRB by Jan 28. Ugly Sweater day in 2 days!

Have a great night!


Jon Lu said...

Any high school tranfer sheet received today, bring to the Greenbank office before anuary 28.

Most important thing you forgot:
Reflections of what we did with the bomb shelter/end of the world thing.

Rohini said...

Oh, sorry! This is why there is a comment button...

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