Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 4, 2011

Black History Month and what you missed!

Hey people who weren't in today! Sorry I didn't post yesterday.
Yesterday: We watched a movie, show thing were it told us a story about a black man being dragged behind a truck by a chain by 3 white people (BTW they zigzagged all around the road and spray painted him and a bunch of horrible stuff while he was awake, don't really want to describe it) ,drunk obviously, but that's not an excuse. The whole thing was about this man's death, how the families react, the 3 white men going to trial and being convicted, how their families feel. A town being divided by colour and race, even at the cemetery, there was a fence put up to separate the black for white. Disgusted from their behaviour, and how he died. (his shoulder and head got cut off by one of those drain pipe things in front of houses)
Today: We finished the James Byrd video and watched a different movie about a school in Tennessee called Whitwill middle school entitled Paper Clips. In that school, they have 5 kids of colour. The teachers wanted to teach the students about Hitler and the Holocaust ( i mean the fact he killed 6 million Jewish people) but they had trouble understanding what 6 million looks like, so they started the paperclip project. Their goal was to get 6 million paperclips, they sent out letters to family, friends and famous people, like some former presidents and such. In the end, they reached over 24 million paperclips, and they put them in a train car (one of the ones 90 Jewish people were forced into) and put 6 million paperclips in to represent the Jewish people, and another 5 million to represent all of the gays and lesbians.

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