Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Feb 1, 2011

Hey everyone, I have been looking everywhere for the history slid show thing we did on Friday, Jeopardy. I can't find it! Mr.O'Brien said he'd post it, but he didn't! ''Aaawwww' Anyway, if you find it, please tell me because the test is tomorrow.
This part is for Rohini and those who are away. Today we watched a movie about this lady, i forget the name, who took a bunch of white people and treated them like coloured people were/are treated. She separated them depending on their eye colour, something they can't control. And didn't tell them anything about the exercise except the fact it was an exercise.It was really powerful and meaning full and the lady even made some people cry! (aaaww!) the same lady also did this exercise with a 3rd grade class when she was still teaching, and after that exercise, a lot of people related to her were also miss treated and went out of business. Her children were abused. Sorry, but you guys missed a pretty awesome movie!

1 comment:

Sofia said...

Her name is Jane Elliot

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