Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 28, 2010

DMP Project

Hey everyone! i was wondering if u could fill out my groups form here is the link:
*remember use the code name thing Mr. Oickle was talking about so we know its you!!


C U 2morrow!!!! :)


Rod Oickle said...

Nice work on the form guys! A couple of suggestions; create an option for more than 1 of the answers. Like, what are you most concerned with your image- height, weight, skin, all of the above, more than 1 of the above, etc. See me tomorrow and we'll fine tune it. Great job!

Tom J-L said...

um ya guys u might want to put a "not concerned with body image" option in some of your questions. im not answering until you do.

Sophie said...

Dont worry i will redo some questions!!!

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