Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 20, 2010

Just checking to see if the blog works for me. Hi 8H! I'm excited for drama class tomorrow! Ok. Don't forget we ahve a dictée in science tomorrow. There's more homework. I just thought that homework was important....Seeing as I fail in dictées........ok.....BYE!!!!!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Sierra is the first to post. Let's see if the homework makes it on...

Vivian said...

ncie sierra, we also have geo, we have to find a article about "geographie humaine" and that's due on thursday-i think, we also have to search up-"how to lie with statistics" and find an example.

Jon H said...

good job making the first comment and I think the homework might make it on

Jon H said...

okay also checking if this blog works and okay it works

Sophie said...

yay! i'm just making sure it all wrks for me right now and it does yay!! anyways we also have math and english :)

Aggie said...

just checking this out.........
BTW the site for the mind mapping tool to view/edit screenshots is http://www.irfanview.ca/

Aggie said...

just checking this out........
BTW the site for mind mapping editing/viewing is http://www.irfanview.ca/

Jonathan1075 said...

Also a science spelling test on Thursday or Friday.

Raj said...

Hahaha, i bet Vedran and claire arent gonna post the homework -.-

Aggie said...

just checking this out.........
the homework didn't make it on, so here's some of it,
-lie with stats
-article for geo
-video recount
-12$ for music book
-terry fox form
-mommies yummies form

Aggie said...

just checking this out...
homework didn't make it on, here it is
-lie with stats
-video retell
-geo article

Aggie said...

just checking this out...
homework didn't make it on, here it is
-lie with stats
-video retell
-geo article

Aggie said...

just checking this out...
homework didn't make it on, here it is
-lie with stats
-video retell
-geo article

Aggie said...

Here is the homework for tonight;
-something for the bulletin board
-new video(s)on blog to watch
-writing website
-dictee in french tmrw
-journal due friday
(sorry about the repeated comments, my computer isn't working properly...)

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