Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 19, 2010

Two Weeks L8R

Well it's been two weeks since we were all thrust into the new school year and I've learned a great deal about each of you already. The wonderful and open feedback you have provided in class and on your most recent written responses to our 3 books and the video has been very interesting to say the least.  Here are few choice quotes from your written responses; 

"Everybody learns in different ways, styles and paces"
"It's like trying to teach ducks to run or squirrels to fly, while their brains and bodies are incapable of doing so"
"Don't feel insecure just because you're different"
"Because we had a class discussion and I got other perspectives that made me think..."
"I liked to listen to everyone else's opinions and perspectives and how they processed the stories"
:"There are no right answers to life. Live life your way, and don't let anyone stop you." 
"We should be extremely grateful that our world has so much diversity"
"I immediately connected with this video"
"You can't get life answers from someone else because those answers are based on their perspective, not yours."
"We all have different talents and gifts"
"The eagle (animal school) is not a troublemaker at all, he was just raised to do things differently."

Great work everyone!

A quick recap of out learning to date:
Literacy - Perspective and Learning Styles. Making connections (text 2 text, text 2 self, text 2 world).  We've also taken some time to examine critical thinking and questioning skills of written word (author's purpose/intention, target audience, what's missing and why, what perspective is being used).

Numeracy - Factor Table assignment (factoring, multiples, patterns and relationships)

Learning Profiles & Study Skills - We have taken some time to review study skills and habits and our own learning styles.  A few examples of our learning include;

Eating and study times
Cramming & Caffeine
20 minute sessions
Mind Maps
Word Association
Listening vs. taking notes
Awareness of physiological changes and mood
Brain growth/changes and development
Time Management 

 All students now have publishing rights to the blog!  We will be using this for many of our responses, questions and comments in the future. If you have not provided me with an email address, please do do so.

Have a super weekend!
Mr. O

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