Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 22, 2010


Hey everyone about today's 3 stories I liked the 9/11 story the most because it was very descriptive and I think it connected to me more than the other stories because it was 11 days and 9 years ago that it happened.

That is my response to what Mr.Oickle wanted us to answer


Aggie said...

ok i'm just posting a comment on this to say i liked the 9/11 one best because it was the most descriptive one without being gross, although it was kind of sad the way so many people died and all..

Sophie said...

I like the 9/11 story the most too... I felt really sad in that story. I like it cause it was descriptive. And you could feel the pain the lady was in knowing her brother died. Everyone who past away during 9/11 will be very missed...

Sofia said...

I liked the 9/11 recount the best too since I got to know more about what happened and also the storyteller's point of view. I think it was really sad how so many people died and how a lot of people had probably lost a major character in their life.

Sierra said...

I like 9/11 because it was the story that touched me deeply. It also reaminded me of my trip to New York and my cousin Jeremy's story.

Anonymous said...

Ok!! I liked the 9/11 story the most because I know more about it than gang activity and ...headless chickens. I don't think it had as much description as the other 2 recounts, because at one point I was completely lost.But it is definetly the saddest recount. Imagine watching that building fall knowing that there are loved ones inside!!!:(

Raj said...

I preffered the 9/11 recount because i thought it was more meaningful and related to us than the other recounts, as loosing a loved one would be devastating to each and every one of us.

Jon H said...

also it relates to me because i saw a show on 9/11 and then a show about a suicide bomber.

Lydia said...

ok, im finally commenting on the story thing:
i like the 9/11 story the best because it was really descriptive and i felt really sad reading it because alot of peoples family died then too. plus, i just really didnt like the other two storys!

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