Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 22, 2010


Hello, here is the homework:

-French~ The dictee is tomorrow so be ready for that.
-Geography~We will probably having a immigration test sometime this week so review your notes!
-English~Watch all the three videos if you haven't already.
-Science~Since we missed class today I'm pretty sure then we will all be presenting Tuesday and Wednesday.

Oh and I also think we will be having a quiz on what we learned today during English, well that's what Mr.Oickle said last week.....

And keep bringing in those cans!



Rohini said...

Keep filling the charts and working on the body percussion! All senior band members, there is a practice from 2:45 to 3:45 this Thursday. Don't forget! :)

Tom J-L said...

wait what? rohini could you fill me in on that? i dont know when mrs. spear said that but if it was today, i wasnt there so it'd be great if you could give me a bit more info

Vivian said...

Next week is our hoilday concert, and since we haven't had much time to practise our pieces, Ms.Spear decicde to have a practise on Thursday, afterschool at 2:45-3:45

Rohini said...

Yes, she decided that.

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