Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 24, 2010

Medicine & Disease Presentation

Thanks to our group from Ottawa University for sharing their presentation about the development of medicine and disease with our class.  We all enjoyed the jeopardy game. Here is the quiz they left for us. You are not required to answer or respond to the quiz. : )
(a)    Ephedrine
(b)   Flemming
(c)    Banting               
(d)   Morphine
(e)   Shamans
(f)     Ayurveda
(g)    21st Century
(h)   Smallpox
(i)     Ascelpius
(j)     Renaissance
___ India
___ Insulin
___ Decongestant
___ Enlightenment
___ Antibiotics
___ Prehistoric Healers
­­___Pain Killer


(1)    Emperor                                               was the first to create a structured medical system.
(2)    The                                         were the first to study the anatomy of the human body.
(3)    DNA was identified in                                   .
(4)                                     and                                        are the two basic principles of Ancient Chinese medicine.
(5)    Roman medical practices were based on                                               philosophy and medicine.
(6)    In the 18th and 19th centuries, epidemics were very common.  Two major disease epidemics were                                           and                                                       .
(7)    Vaccination was first employed in the                                                    century(ies).
(8)    In the Middle Ages the biggest influence on medicine was the                                                 .
(9)                                                     began to encourage the regulation of diet, exercise and the prescription of medicinal herbs in the treatment of their patients.
(10)                         Cholera is a                                                        disease.

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