Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Nov 23, 2010


Okay guys..

French- If you haven`t handed in the coffre, hand it it.
Geography-The migration article/test is on Thursday, you are allowed to use your notes that you have.
English-Tomorrow there is a quiz/test thingy that we are having and it`s about perspective and about all the things we talked about today during class and all the discussions we had before.
Science- People that have not presented today are presenting tomorrow so be ready for that!

And I know I keep saying this but keep bringing cans and other stuff!!!!



Anonymous said...

Wait the test is on thursday!!!

Rohini said...

Yes, yes it is....

Rohini said...

Practice, practice, practice your music!

Jon H said...

Also health test next Tuesday!!

Sofia said...

When do we have to start writing the letter from D'Artagnan to his dad?

Sofia said...

And also, has anyone seen my music book?

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