Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 22, 2010


HIIII!! about the recounts i liked the "i escape from a violent gang" recount the best because it was really it was well written and i liked how he started to control his own life instead of his gang members controlling it for him, it was sad but inspiring at the same time.


Rohini said...

I think that I completely agree with Hilary! I liked this recount the best because even though it is a little violent, it is a very inspiring story to all of those people who are always pushed around and don't have any say in whatever they do. Just like Hilary, I really like the part when she ( I'm pretty sure that it is a she, but I'm not certain)realized that she is in charge of her own life and no one should direct her for her, so she left the gang. This recount is a great one, and we can all relate to it.

Vivian said...

I think I liked this recount the most because it was very well written and it was a very inspiring story. I think we can all look up to this person and try to be more like he/her and do the right thing, even when it sometimes seems to be wrong at the time.

Unknown said...

I like the recount the most too because it was very well written, very descriptive, a little gruesome yet quite inspiring. I can't believe how a girl that's only 13 (or was it 14 ) lived through so much pain, death and trauma. But it does have a really great message, no matter how much suffering you caused to everybody its never too late to turn around. :3

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