Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Sep 23, 2010

Today's Homework

English: Write a recount. If you need any help with the writing styles or structure, look at Mr. O'ickle's pictures for links to helpful websites. Rough draft is due tomorrow. We don;t have English class tomorrow but English and Math may be switched around so be prepared any ways.

French: Colour the map of South America with birth rate. The information you need to know is on Mr. O'Brien's blog. If Mr. O'Brien has not seen your human geographic article he stills need to. That was due today but bring it tomorrow if you haven't already.

Other: Picture forms due back on September the 29. I don't know when re-takes are. If you STILL haven't handed in your Terry Fox form, do that tomorrow during gym class.

See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Sofia said...

How do you post a post and not a comment?

Sofia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

sorry... my computer wouldn't update the blog, so i couldn't see your post. whoops.

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