Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 28, 2010

10-12 Post here!

Well, Everyone from my group (Madison, Sophie, Sierra Tom, and I) can comment to this post about their thoughts to chapters 10-12!

1 comment:

Rohini said...

Here are the notes from our discussion (note that you can put up other thoughts that you didn't mention as well)
We discussed the following:

-Will Burl ever go back home? Maybe. He misses his mom but he can survive on his own.

-If Burl lives in solitude for too long, later when and if he returns to the real populated world, he won't know how to act around people.

-We think that Cal is looking for him.

Sophie thinks that Burl will go home, and then eventually return to the cabin, to see NOG.

-Where does NOG live, outside of his cottage. He mentions Toronto, but he says he can't concentrate well there.

I only put up the comments related to 10-12.

P;ease keep adding on!!!

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