Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 25, 2010


muahahaha! Halloween is here. the time of goblins and ghouls and all things scary (like the dance. xD fail) who in our class thinks we need more cake for Halloween? haha ok enough with the jokes, what's everyone being 4 Halloween? if u haven't decided yet u might consider going as something really scary like the Muppets or Elmo?


Rohini said...

I am pretty sure that I am going to be a Dementor. For those of you who don't know what a Dementor is, there are creatures that like suck your good memories out of you or something. There are from Harry Potter.

Sofia said...

thats pleasant

Sophie said...

Hahahahahahahaha. Thats cool rohini and sofia thats pleasent hi-lar-ious... I'm beeing super sophia cause im cool like that :p

Anonymous said...

super sophie?????

Sophie said...

Oh ya!!! I'm a superhero Rachel !!!!! Duh!!! Haha...

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