Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 28, 2010

the maestro chapter 5 to 10

this is for my group to comment on, rachel eric jon parag and jeremy


sebasten said...

i think that Burl dumped the maesto's pills into the lake because he can see the affect and realized they were doing damage but i dont understand why the maestro didnt see it in a good way but decided to pack up and leave?

Anonymous said...

Well... I don't know because I haven't read that far a head yet. But I don't understand why the Maestro is living out here in the first place. Ya, I know to escape the reporters and everbody, but he doesn't belong there. When the bear attacked, he didn't even have any thing to protect him. I think he should move back to the "Big Apple".

Jeremy Wang said...

Umm sebasten I think Burl dumped the pills because he was pissed off at nathaniel for spazzing at him for catching the fish and how hes a vegetarian and all.

DjFaiza said...

I only read 5 till the middle of 7. Also i agree with rachel, why is maestro living there? 1. it's dangerous cause' of all those animals and 2. he should go back to the city and live there.

Eric said...

Why does the maestro have such a small cabin? I think he's rich enough to buy a bigger one. But at the same time if he bought a bigger one people would know where he lived so that basically defeats the purpose of living in total isolation

Anonymous said...

When I picture the Maestro's house I picture a huge triangle shaped house that' made out of shiny metal and looks like a metranome.

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