Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 26, 2010

Maestro Questions (for comment)

Please note that the following questions for discussion/comment address content from chapters 1-5 only.

1) What important information does the prologue offer about the relationship between Burl and his father?
2) What does the author mean when he said that Burl took the incident and placed it in his drawer? (ch. 1)
3) Why did Burl enjoy going to the secret spot? (ch. 2)
4) What advice did Cal given Burl about being lost? (ch. 3)
5) What did the author mean when he wrote, “ Burl took a bite of the north wind for his breakfast”? (ch. 4)
6) Which new character do we meet in Chapter 5?
7) What role does "trust" play in relationship building?
Bonus - describe a character/event or question that intrigues you in the story so far...
Feel free to pose any of your own questions in the comments section.


Sierra said...

4) He said if you ever get lost find a stump and sit by it until someone finds you.

Hilary said...

2) The author meant that Burl took that event and tucked it away in his brain so no one else could find out what happened because Burl likes to keep secrets to prevent Cal from stealing them.

Sophie said...

1) the prologue shows the relationship between Cal and Burl, when they used to go fishing it seems like it was a happy relationship in the beginning, and then after a big accident Cal went nuts, and Burl's not pleased with his father. It also showed Burl's and Cal's secret place. It was where Burl and Cal did some bonding time while fishing but they've now stopped. So the prologue shows what was there of the relationship between Burl and his father Cal.

(feel free to add or correct me on any of this information.)

Parag said...

3)Burl enjoys the secret spot because his father always takes stuff that belongs to Burl(ex:Burls Easter chocolate),so when Burl goes to his fathers secret spot he feels as though he is taking something from his father,it's like revenge.

Tom J-L said...

3) i think burl liked going to the secret spot because it was his own way of rebeling against Cal and he wanted to make Cal angry. but he did it so he wouldnt get caught. He did the whole thing almost for self satisfaction i say.

Tom J-L said...

oops sorry i didnt see parags answer until mine was already up......

Vivian said...

7. If you trust the person, it makes the relationship stronger and it makes the two people happy, knowing that they can trust and can count on the other person when in trouble or when in need. If trust is lacking, the relationship will be weaker and you'll most likely be more cautious towards that person due to the lack of trust.

Jon Lu said...
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Jeremy Wang said...

2) He took what ever the inceident was and put it into the darkest part of his head
4) Find a stump and sit on it
6) Burl meets the maestro, nathen of gow

Sofia said...

5) It means that he didn't have anything for breakfast.

Jon Lu said...

6) Burl met the Maestro (NOG)
Wrote 5) instead of 6) so deleted the other comment.

Sofia said...

Jeremy it's Nathaniel Orlando Gow (NOG)

Rohini said...

This is just a question to think about: What are some different ways of Burl and Cal to gain trust within each other? Feel free to comment on the question!

Anonymous said...

2) When Burl placed the memory in a drawer that means that he is probably trying to forget the whole thing. Often when I put somethng in a drawer I forget that its in there. So I agree with Jeremy, he is hiding the memory in th edarkest part of his brain hoping that he forgets that its there.

Raj said...

7. Trust plays possibly the biggest role in relationships and friendships. Without basic trust, we don't have the confidence and reassurance to communicate with anyone. If you don't trust someone, you don't know when they tell the truth, weather they are reliable, or simply, weather they are a good person or bad.

Jeremy Wang said...

@sophia o.0 kk ty

Rod Oickle said...

Great work so far guys! I especially enjoyed Raj and Vivian's "risk" with the trust question, Rohini's question, Sophie's prologue overview and Rachel's insights. Well done!

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