Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Oct 14, 2010

Missed Presentations

Hi guys.  Just a quick note to thank you for your patience and cooperation today.  You did a great job...even with your names on the board. : ) Just a couple of quick things; first - I need the titles of the presentations you did with Mr. Hartnett and the names of any groups who have not yet presented and second - Ms. Russell is looking for a couple or few volunteers to help her class learn how to use the blog.  They are stuck at the "we don't know how to post" and "do we need a gmail account" questions.  Any volunteers will go to work with 10-15 of her students in the lab and then actually post the instructions on her blog for her students. Let me know f you're interested. Enjoy your evening.
And a HUGE good luck to our cross country runners.


ClaireB. said...

I would volenteer to do that Mr. Oickle.

Vivian said...

Mr.Oickle, I would also like to volenteer for that. And some of the groups were: Jon and Eric about Shark Finning, Vedran, Sebastian and Jeremy on Milk, Agatha, Rohini and Sofia on Literacy Rates and I think that's about it, though I think I'm missing one group.

Rohini said...

I would like to volunteer, Mr.Oickle. It would be fun to teach them how to post and comment!

Sophie said...

l would also like to volenteer to do that too, Mr. Oickle

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