Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Dec 26, 2010


Hey guys, hows the holidays so far? Does anybody know what we are supposed to do for homework? 'Cause Mr.O said we would have 2 assignments during the holidays and so far I see none, so what do we have for home work!

Dec 17, 2010

This is for mr.oickle

mr.oickle what should i do for math over the holidays ? like what pages . so far im on page 22

Happy Holidays!

It's been a wonderful four months guys.  I wish each of you and your families a wonderful holiday break.  See you in January.

Dec 16, 2010

Uhm, I already did my science lab and all, but I haven't handed it in or anything so just to clarify, were supposed to just do the chart thingy on the back? With the weight, and the part your lifting it with?

Food Bank

Congrats people good job on the food bank we didnt let the cows beat us pears conquer the world now!!!!!!!!

Pot luck

Okay so people the pot luck is tomorrow so here are the list of who is bringing what:

Hilary & Rachel: Finger sandwiches
Rohini: Chick pea salad
Sofia Z.: Dumplings
Raj: Drinks(Juice)
Eric: Fruit
Agatha: Pita and dip
Jon. H: Meatballs
Me: Fried rice

So try to bring in food, and make sure it is some what healthy! So if you know what you're bringing post it in the comments!


Okay so it seems like Mr.Oickle gave the blog a new makeover..

French~ Project
Music~Body Surfers
Drama~Jingle and Commercial
Science~Science project

And good job for the food bank!! WE WON! :) The dance is tomorrow so don't forget to bring in your $4 dollars!!

Dec 15, 2010


Hello fellow members of 8H, here is the daily homework:

French~French/Geo Project
Music~Body Surfers
Drama~Jingles and Commercial
Science~Science fair project

So tomorrow is the LAST DAY for foodbank so we need to really bring in more stuff, and just to let you people know 8F has 919 cans(they posted it on their blog) so we need to pick up our pace and bring in those cans! And also the class potluck is on Friday so don't forget to bring food!


hey everyone just wondering when do we have our potluck thing and what do we bring

Dec 14, 2010


Okay guys so here is the homework for today.

French~ The French/Geo project and also the verb sheet, finish that.
Music~Body Surfers
Drama~Jingles & Commercials
Science~Science project

Okay guys we need to keep bringing in our stuff for Food Bank, because we only have 2 days left and we want to beat 8eff and Mr.Behn's class!!! And also remeber to prepare some food for the pot luck!

8F Blog

OK people well here is what is happening with 8F i have pasted below from their blog a post from their class i am gonna bold the important parts.

-$4 for dance if your going (it'll be fun!)
-secret present giver tomorrow (it will be embarassing if you forget :P
-food bank, i think (right now) we are 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. if you can bring in more, great, if you cant, thats fine too. 8h has 500, we have 500 and mr.behn only has... 800? 600? whatever. we can do this.
-english (the advertisement sheet)
-history project for anyone who isn't done
-and science fair, the sheet that explains your project (pg.4)


ok the food bank part is important but the dance part eh not as important but we have to remember that too but its so thats interesting how they suddenly have 500 eh and they think they can do this right so guys keep bringing our stuff.

Dec 13, 2010


Hey everyone, I have an emergency. I NEED to send something to Mr.O'Brien but I don't know his email, Please Help me! Please with cherries on top! I will be back to check the blog at 7:00, so for my sake, PLEASE GIVE ME HIS EMAIL some how!



Science~Research topic
Music~Body Surfers
Drama~Jingle and commercial

Prepare your pot luck food for Friday!

Dec 10, 2010

Mini Enrichment Forms

So, I have printed out the application form for mini enrichment, but where do I send it?


Hi everyone, even though we didn't have that many classes today, we STILL have homework, so here it is:

Math~ Pages #1-10 are for Monday
Music~We are presenting our body surfers next Day 1
Science~Research and proposal for science fair project

There is a pot luck on Friday so prepare food but NO, junk food, pop, and candy(Mr.Oickle's rules). So have a GREAT weekend!

Dec 9, 2010


Hey guys, sorry the homework is a little late, we don't have that much homework we only have:
-The math test on Monday on pages 1-10
-Science fair project, research and topic
-Music = body surfers and #14 in the book
-Drama; keep working on your jingles/commercials
There's also the field trip tomorrow, Beauty and the Beast I think Adrianna is in it or something. Anyway, if you want Mummies yummies, bring in your permission form for whenever to get it after winter break!

Dec 8, 2010

8F Blog

hey everyone so it seems as 8F has a blog well we can subscribe and follow their blog currently they were asking Mme.Todd about a double point day for the food drive but there is none so hmm that's it i will post more info about their blog later when cool stuff comes up but that's it for now


Hi guys,

Math~Test next Monday on pages #1-10, from the math book
Science~Science project, keep working on it!

Beauty and the Beast permission form is due by tomorrow, so if you want to go and haven't handed in your permission form do it NOW! And also Mommy's Yummies food forms are due Friday. KEEP BRINGING IN THOSE CANS!!!Ummm I think that's it.

And I know Sofia has already said so but, now 8F has their own blog so if you want to check it out, here is the link.


8f has made blog!
Their blog

Pears rock!
Pears eat cows!

Dec 7, 2010

Math: Pythagorean Theorem

Hi everyone i just wanted to add a website on to our discussion and math problem with the triangle so i just found this website because i wanted the Pythagorean theorem to be a little more clear so i found the website and it is really a cool website because it explains a whole bunch of different situations about the right triangle and how to use the theory for determining if a triangle is a right angle or a equilateral or scalene and so on. This website is not only for our geometry stuff it has a bunch more about all types of math from math games to worksheets and a dictionary also from algebra to measurement.

Here it is: Math Website

Jon H.


Hey people!

Math~ Finish your triangle/square drawing for tomorrow
Science~Finish the weight lifting sheet due tomorrow

Bring in your beauty and the beast permission form and also for mommy's yummies. I think I'm forgeting something but I forget what....

Anyways, bye!

Dec 6, 2010


Okay people here is the.. HOMEWORK

French~ The retest dictee is tomorrow, and also hand in your letter if you haven't already
Music~Practice your Body Surfers and #14
Drama~ Keep working on your jingle and the commercial skit
Science~ Keep thinking of ideas for the science fair project if you haven't already thought of one

The ballet permission form is due Thursday if you want to go. And also Mommy's Yummies forms are due Dec. 10th which is this Friday.

P.S: Here is the paragraph for the french dictee for anyone who needs it:

Le Cardinal de Richelieu a interdit aux mousquetaires de faire des duels. D'Artagnan a recu(there's an accent on the "c", you know like the one on garcon) de son père une épée. A( there's another accent on the "A", I think you can figure that one out) Meung, il s'est fait voler sa lettre. Avec le médicament de sa mère, D'Artagnan se remet vite sur pieds. M. de Tréille lui donne une lettre pour aller au collège royal. Meme s'il est noble, D'Artagnan est assez pauvre et il n'a que onze pièces d'or pour faire sont voyage et il est obligé de vendre son cheval. Comme lui, Bicarat est un Gascon. Il est étrange n'est-ce-pas qu'Aramis a échappé un mouchoir de femme.

I hope that helps!!!

Dec 4, 2010

Mini enrichment

How do you register for courses for mini enrichment? I don't have my user-name or password and I thought that the registering date is Monday!!!!!

Food Bank

Hey everyone I just wanted to bring to the attention of the class the food bank and our learning's in being more empathetic. I know we have talk about how it's not a competition its helping others. We have to look into someone else's perspective who goes to the food bank. If we were to look at their view you would see how they have their struggles and how they need the food bank so they can continue to try and find jobs or other things.

Here is the food bank Ottawa official website: Food Bank

I see it as it's fun to win and try and beat other classes (8F) but we have to think about the competition as more of a minor thing and think more about the people who actually need help the most important thing.

Jon H.

Dec 3, 2010

"Everyone is smart, just in different ways"

Hi guys. I just can't let this one go. This quote from class (Thx. Vivian) on Thursday has been floating around in my head since then. The way you all connected it to the purpose of grades, achievement and student self esteem was brilliant.  Does anyone care to restate or elaborate on their comments from class?


Hi everyone sorry about the homework posting it's my first time but..... here it is:

1.Bring in letter to d'Artagnans father for Monday if you haven't already done so
2. Retest on dictee preparee on Tuesday
3. Also the Migrations article if you are redoing your Geo test

Keep practicing body music (Body Surfers)

Work on your jingle and commercial part for next drama class even though we are gonna be gone to the ballet (Beauty and the Beast)

If you do want to go to the ballet ensure that you bring in your permission form and the $11.00 before Thursday.

P.S. (Rachel wanted me to put this up) RACHEL PLEASE REMEBER TO BRING PENCILS TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Bring in a few dollars for the Food Bank Drive. We have to beat Mr.Behn we are currently losing to his class.

Dec 2, 2010

Food Bank

WE NEED TO BRING IN CANS FOR THE FOOD BANK!!! It's been the same people donating so anyone who hasn't donated yet please bring in cans!!!


Okay guys, so here is the homeowork:

French-The rough copy of the letter is due tomorrow
Science- The 3 questions are also for tomorrow and also think of ideas for the science fair project
Music- Body Surfers
Drama- We will be finishing our tableaus tomorrow so don't forget to bring in your props that you need.

And also tonight we have the full version of the christmas concert so if you are intrested in going it starts at 7:00 and also they will be selling cupcakes for the snowsuit fund for .50$ each.

Have a great night!

Dec 1, 2010

A Geography link

I know that geography isn't the most interesting subject, but this video relates to what we did before and it incorporates "21st century learning". Check it out!

WOW!  If you guys haven't watched this yet,take a look.  It's awesome! Thx Rohini! - Mr. O



Hello guys, here is the daily homework:

French-The Trois Mousquetaires lettre rough draft is due friday.
Science- Finish the questions we did in the lab today, it`s due friday.
Music- Body Surfers, keep working on your parts.

Band Memebers:Our concert is tomorrow, so make sure to bring your instruments and wear black pants and a white shirt.

And also bring in your Beauty and the Beast permisson forms, it`s next week(I think). And keep bringing in those cans(Yes, I know I say that every time but still, we need more cans!) we want to beat Mr.Behn`s class!

Nov 30, 2010

Canspell spelling bee

Hi Hilary here :P

I was just wondering if any of you know when our class spelling is going to be for the canspell thing... Mr Oickle you would probably know but anyways and the little booklet we got is that all the words that we study or is there any other websites that you guys know of that has the words on it...


Here's the homework for today:
-health test tomorrow
-the Trois mousquetaires letter(not sure when due)
-Beauty and the beast permission form
-science questions we got today
-coffre if you haven't done it yet

-music tapping thing
I think that's it, but if there is more make a comment!

Spelling Bee Practice

Here are the previous practice words:

and a word of the day archive.

Nov 29, 2010

Good evening class. :)

So you know how M. O'Brien said if we wanted to up our mark on the geography test, we could find a article and I just wanted to know what exactly we were supposed to do with the article. I didn't understand what he said, it was in french and he was talking fast... LAWL. I think he said ask write and answer your own questions, but I just want some clarification. Also, the article was supposed to be about immigration, right? :/

Thanks, Claire


Here is today's homework!

-Drama: Work on your jingles.
-Music: Keep practicing Body Surfers and band members, please practice the songs!
-English: Procedural Writing 1st draft for tomorrow!
-French: The letter from D'Artagnan to his father, not sure when it is due...

Hand in your permission forms for Beauty and the Beast, and keep collecting cans for the food drive.

Have a wonderful evening! :)

Cool Video

Hi everyone yes I am posting again but I came across this real strong empowering video on Youtube. In our class we may have students who may have seen this video before but I thought that it should be reviewed.

Here is the link: LINK

I personally think that it's its a lesson on perseverance because it shows how all theses famous icons were brought down by others and achieved great milestones in history. This just shows us all how no matter how bad the situation we can all get through it and succeed in our goals.

Jon H.

Mini Enrichment - Hold On

Hi guys. It turns out the folks at Mini-Enrichment have not yet posted the courses for this year.  They will be updated shortly but the course offerings listed currently are for last year. They sent us the email about this today.  I'll let you know when the list has been updated.


Okay people, so here is the daily homework!

English-Procedural writing, first draft is for tomorrow, so finish that.
Health- We have the health test Wednesday.
Music- Theory test this week and body surfers will be presented in two weeks.
Science- People who haven`t presented their system will be presenting tomorrow, so be ready to present.


Think that`s about it ...

Nov 28, 2010

Nov 27, 2010

Mini enrichment Courses

It looks like they have changed the format from previous years.  As indicated in their program on the site, all Ottawa U courses appear to be in French.  just be sure to choose your courses carefully. Enjoy your weekend.
Gym: Clothing orders are due on Monday.
Health: Test de vitalité on Wednesday.
Music: Theory review test next week. Practice Body Surfers as presentations are in 2 weeks.
Drama: We aren't finished tableau presentations so those will continue next drama class.

Keep bringing in cans for food bank.
I think that's all...

Nov 26, 2010

Just for Laughs...

Everyone deserves a chuckle...:)


Nov 24, 2010


Geography- Study for the geography test tomorrow!!
Drama- Don't forget for those that haven't done their tableau's yet you are presenting tomorrow
Health-Study for the health test next week:(
Music: Keep on practicing body percussion!!:)
Science: Don't forget that for those of you who haven't presented yet in science you will be presenting this coming Tuesday!!

I think that's it...
Have a good day!!:P:)

Pears eat cows too...



You know how the mini enrichment courses are posted on the school website. I can't get them. It keeps saying error. I was just wondering if it was something to do with the link, since Mr.Oickle posted the link (probably).

Geography test

I know its on Immigration but what do we have to study?

Message from 8 eff

Cows eat pears...
Mrs. Khemani asked me to post this...

Medicine & Disease Presentation

Thanks to our group from Ottawa University for sharing their presentation about the development of medicine and disease with our class.  We all enjoyed the jeopardy game. Here is the quiz they left for us. You are not required to answer or respond to the quiz. : )
(a)    Ephedrine
(b)   Flemming
(c)    Banting               
(d)   Morphine
(e)   Shamans
(f)     Ayurveda
(g)    21st Century
(h)   Smallpox
(i)     Ascelpius
(j)     Renaissance
___ India
___ Insulin
___ Decongestant
___ Enlightenment
___ Antibiotics
___ Prehistoric Healers
­­___Pain Killer


(1)    Emperor                                               was the first to create a structured medical system.
(2)    The                                         were the first to study the anatomy of the human body.
(3)    DNA was identified in                                   .
(4)                                     and                                        are the two basic principles of Ancient Chinese medicine.
(5)    Roman medical practices were based on                                               philosophy and medicine.
(6)    In the 18th and 19th centuries, epidemics were very common.  Two major disease epidemics were                                           and                                                       .
(7)    Vaccination was first employed in the                                                    century(ies).
(8)    In the Middle Ages the biggest influence on medicine was the                                                 .
(9)                                                     began to encourage the regulation of diet, exercise and the prescription of medicinal herbs in the treatment of their patients.
(10)                         Cholera is a                                                        disease.

Nov 23, 2010


Hey Tom and Vivian. Vivian I emailed you my part of the script . So if you could print it out for Tom and I that would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks Viv and Tom!!!!



Okay guys..

French- If you haven`t handed in the coffre, hand it it.
Geography-The migration article/test is on Thursday, you are allowed to use your notes that you have.
English-Tomorrow there is a quiz/test thingy that we are having and it`s about perspective and about all the things we talked about today during class and all the discussions we had before.
Science- People that have not presented today are presenting tomorrow so be ready for that!

And I know I keep saying this but keep bringing cans and other stuff!!!!


Nov 22, 2010

Last day of school in 2010...

So, when does the holiday break start or what is the last day of school before the holiday break starts?


Hello, here is the homework:

-French~ The dictee is tomorrow so be ready for that.
-Geography~We will probably having a immigration test sometime this week so review your notes!
-English~Watch all the three videos if you haven't already.
-Science~Since we missed class today I'm pretty sure then we will all be presenting Tuesday and Wednesday.

Oh and I also think we will be having a quiz on what we learned today during English, well that's what Mr.Oickle said last week.....

And keep bringing in those cans!


Nov 21, 2010


Hey guys in systeme locomoteur group can you give me the names of all the bones and muscles we have on the paper because i need them for the skit. if you dont have it i guess i can just write most of the bones but it would be great if you could just save me the trouble and put them here thanks :).

Nov 19, 2010

Science project

Just a reminder to everyone in the système nerveux group to practice their lines for the skit and be prepared to present on Monday!:)


Hey, everyone,
I found this website, just to wrap up anti-bullying week, with two stories about bullying. In the second story about Kayla, she thought it was going well with the "popular girls" since they had been nice to her. She then found out one of the popular girls posted something mean and nasty about her. I think we all have to realize that whatever we do, whether on facebook, twitter, myspace or any other social networking application, we have to make sure we take a minute to think and read about what we are about to post and to not be impulsive. If we all did that there would not be cyberbullying. Also, what we post reflects on our character.

Here is the websites url: WEBSITE



Geography~Migration quiz, sometime next week
French~Dictée is on Thursday on chapter 5, and also the letter, you can start forming ideas for it.
English~Work that hasn't been handed in for Monday.
Science~Project, you are presenting either Monday or Tuesday, depending on what Mme.Treitz told your group.

Also bring in more cans for the food drive, we need them! :)

Think that is about it have a GREAT weekend, and see you next week.

Nov 18, 2010


Does anyone (who has the book) know what the last number in the equation on pg.6 q.6 e) is in the math package? I have the photocopied sheets and the number is cut off... =)

My Group

Hey, my group is Maddie(me), Faisa, Parag, and Sofia. So, how do you guys like this, I'll finish the drawing of the appariel locomoto, and you guys will do the script, I think Faisa said she was going to start that to night. Anyway, it's due monday and we need it done. So, you guys, being Parag, Sofia and Faisa, will split up the work and it'll be a brease. Since there is 3 of you guys, each of you can do 2-4 questions on the appariel locomoto and the answers, so it wont be such a big deal. We can ask Mme. Todd/Treitz if we can practice in the hall before presenting. This way, every one is doing something but not too much. It'll be a breaze!


Here is the homework,

-Music~Body Surfers, keep practicing
-Science~Systems project groups are presenting Monday or Tuesday, so be ready.

Don't forget to bring cans for the food drive or anything else.

I think that's all!

Nov 17, 2010

Thank You

Hi everyone I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that post the homework because i don't think they get much recognition. I personally think it is a life saver because sometimes the odd time I might just missinterpret some words of the teachers about homework and to think I have the confidance that these great people will help us all and come through all the time and save us.



french-coffre due tommorow
Science-Research for project

Nov 16, 2010


Hey everyone, what is up with the geography test next week? What's it on? If you can leave a comment or make another post to help me out, that would be great!
Research, ideas for skit, work on presentation. either or.

For the science project...

For everyone in our science group,  here is the link to a picture of the nervous system, if you need it,



Sorry guys. i was sick today. hope i didnt miss anything TOO big.
if you guys can just fill me in on anything i missed that would be great!


Science-Research for your project
English-Hand in anything that needs to be handed in (anti-bully post)
French-Test next week on geographie

Nov 15, 2010


English-Respond to anti-bully videos by Friday-  Mr. O : )
French-Good copy of "Le coffre" is due thurs.
Science-Explain how the heart works and how it produces oxygen.

Anti-Bully Week Assignment

While our efforts to start this topic last week got sidetracked, we're going to try it again.  Have a look at both videos posted and prepare and post a comment to this post.  Be sure to take some time on this one and try to make a few connections. It's a topic that impacts us all at some level, so try to convey your thoughts effectively. Please have your comment on the blog by Friday. This one will be formally evaluated. : )

Nov 12, 2010


Hi, I just want to try out posting a picture, so here's a bunny.

Nov 11, 2010


Hello guys,

~French-Good copy of Le Coffre due next Thursday
~English-Maestro questions
~Explanition of the heart
~Health-Food record sheet

Tomorrow is a PD day so there's NO SCHOOL tomorrow. Have a great long weekend! 

Lest We Forget

Nov 10, 2010


My winning picture for photography club is finally on the home page for GMS! I know it's a little random for all of you but it's important to me! Go check it out, you know, if you want to...



~English-Maestro, comments and etc, try to finish them! And respond to the text Mr.O posted
~Science-Explanation of how the heart works
~Health-Food record sheet

Band members, tomorrow is the concert so wear black and white and bring a poppy! And also for guys who want to carry the wreath wear white tomorrow, whoever looks the nicest will walk it down.

That's about it!!!

The Sniper (Remembrance Day Feedback)

The Sniper

The long June twilight faded into night. Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as of approaching dawn over the streets and the dark waters of the Liffey. Around the beleaguered Four Courts the heavy guns roared. Here and there through the city, machine guns and rifles broke the silence of the night, spasmodically, like dogs barking on lone farms. Republicans and Free Staters were waging civil war.

On a rooftop near O'Connell Bridge, a Republican sniper lay watching. Beside him lay his rifle and over his shoulders was slung a pair of field glasses. His face was the face of a student, thin and ascetic, but his eyes had the cold gleam of the fanatic. They were deep and thoughtful, the eyes of a man who is used to looking at death.

He was eating a sandwich hungrily. He had eaten nothing since morning. He had been too excited to eat. He finished the sandwich, and, taking a flask of whiskey from his pocket, he took a short drought. Then he returned the flask to his pocket. He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a smoke. It was dangerous. The flash might be seen in the darkness, and there were enemies watching. He decided to take the risk.

Placing a cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke hurriedly and put out the light. Almost immediately, a bullet flattened itself against the parapet of the roof. The sniper took another whiff and put out the cigarette. Then he swore softly and crawled away to the left.

Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet. There was a flash and a bullet whizzed over his head. He dropped immediately. He had seen the flash. It came from the opposite side of the street.

He rolled over the roof to a chimney stack in the rear, and slowly drew himself up behind it, until his eyes were level with the top of the parapet. There was nothing to be seen--just the dim outline of the opposite housetop against the blue sky. His enemy was under cover.

Just then an armored car came across the bridge and advanced slowly up the street. It stopped on the opposite side of the street, fifty yards ahead. The sniper could hear the dull panting of the motor. His heart beat faster. It was an enemy car. He wanted to fire, but he knew it was useless. His bullets would never pierce the steel that covered the gray monster.

Then round the corner of a side street came an old woman, her head covered by a tattered shawl. She began to talk to the man in the turret of the car. She was pointing to the roof where the sniper lay. An informer.

The turret opened. A man's head and shoulders appeared, looking toward the sniper. The sniper raised his rifle and fired. The head fell heavily on the turret wall. The woman darted toward the side street. The sniper fired again. The woman whirled round and fell with a shriek into the gutter.

Suddenly from the opposite roof a shot rang out and the sniper dropped his rifle with a curse. The rifle clattered to the roof. The sniper thought the noise would wake the dead. He stooped to pick the rifle up. He couldn't lift it. His forearm was dead. "I'm hit," he muttered.

Dropping flat onto the roof, he crawled back to the parapet. With his left hand he felt the injured right forearm. The blood was oozing through the sleeve of his coat. There was no pain--just a deadened sensation, as if the arm had been cut off.

Quickly he drew his knife from his pocket, opened it on the breastwork of the parapet, and ripped open the sleeve. There was a small hole where the bullet had entered. On the other side there was no hole. The bullet had lodged in the bone. It must have fractured it. He bent the arm below the wound. the arm bent back easily. He ground his teeth to overcome the pain.

Then taking out his field dressing, he ripped open the packet with his knife. He broke the neck of the iodine bottle and let the bitter fluid drip into the wound. A paroxysm of pain swept through him. He placed the cotton wadding over the wound and wrapped the dressing over it. He tied the ends with his teeth.

Then he lay still against the parapet, and, closing his eyes, he made an effort of will to overcome the pain.

In the street beneath all was still. The armored car had retired speedily over the bridge, with the machine gunner's head hanging lifeless over the turret. The woman's corpse lay still in the gutter.

The sniper lay still for a long time nursing his wounded arm and planning escape. Morning must not find him wounded on the roof. The enemy on the opposite roof coverd his escape. He must kill that enemy and he could not use his rifle. He had only a revolver to do it. Then he thought of a plan.

Taking off his cap, he placed it over the muzzle of his rifle. Then he pushed the rifle slowly upward over the parapet, until the cap was visible from the opposite side of the street. Almost immediately there was a report, and a bullet pierced the center of the cap. The sniper slanted the rifle forward. The cap clipped down into the street. Then catching the rifle in the middle, the sniper dropped his left hand over the roof and let it hang, lifelessly. After a few moments he let the rifle drop to the street. Then he sank to the roof, dragging his hand with him.

Crawling quickly to his feet, he peered up at the corner of the roof. His ruse had succeeded. The other sniper, seeing the cap and rifle fall, thought that he had killed his man. He was now standing before a row of chimney pots, looking across, with his head clearly silhouetted against the western sky.

The Republican sniper smiled and lifted his revolver above the edge of the parapet. The distance was about fifty yards--a hard shot in the dim light, and his right arm was paining him like a thousand devils. He took a steady aim. His hand trembled with eagerness. Pressing his lips together, he took a deep breath through his nostrils and fired. He was almost deafened with the report and his arm shook with the recoil.

Then when the smoke cleared, he peered across and uttered a cry of joy. His enemy had been hit. He was reeling over the parapet in his death agony. He struggled to keep his feet, but he was slowly falling forward as if in a dream. The rifle fell from his grasp, hit the parapet, fell over, bounded off the pole of a barber's shop beneath and then clattered on the pavement.

Then the dying man on the roof crumpled up and fell forward. The body turned over and over in space and hit the ground with a dull thud. Then it lay still.

The sniper looked at his enemy falling and he shuddered. The lust of battle died in him. He became bitten by remorse. The sweat stood out in beads on his forehead. Weakened by his wound and the long summer day of fasting and watching on the roof, he revolted from the sight of the shattered mass of his dead enemy. His teeth chattered, he began to gibber to himself, cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody.

He looked at the smoking revolver in his hand, and with an oath he hurled it to the roof at his feet. The revolver went off with a concussion and the bullet whizzed past the sniper's head. He was frightened back to his senses by the shock. His nerves steadied. The cloud of fear scattered from his mind and he laughed.

Taking the whiskey flask from his pocket, he emptied it a drought. He felt reckless under the influence of the spirit. He decided to leave the roof now and look for his company commander, to report. Everywhere around was quiet. There was not much danger in going through the streets. He picked up his revolver and put it in his pocket. Then he crawled down through the skylight to the house underneath.

When the sniper reached the laneway on the street level, he felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the enemy sniper whom he had killed. He decided that he was a good shot, whoever he was. He wondered did he know him. Perhaps he had been in his own company before the split in the army. He decided to risk going over to have a look at him. He peered around the corner into O'Connell Street. In the upper part of the street there was heavy firing, but around here all was quiet.

The sniper darted across the street. A machine gun tore up the ground around him with a hail of bullets, but he escaped. He threw himself face downward beside the corpse. The machine gun stopped.

Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother's face. 

The purpose of our reading is to get your minds into Remembrance Day mode.  After reading The Sniper and listening to the song and lyrics of "The Soldier" video, compose a response which highlights what, if anything, you would say to a War Veteran.  Are there questions you would ask, statements you would make or would you just be silent?  Think about the freedoms and lifestyle we enjoy every day.  Would this be possible without those who fought for us long before we were born?  Please prepare your response and submit it as a comment (after proofreading it).

Nov 9, 2010

Hey 8H, I'm really confused about the wordle for october..

Do we put in EVERYTHING we learned ? Like, all subjects ?


Hello here is the homework:

Science-In your own words describe how the heart works
Health-Food record sheet
Geography-Map is due Wednesday
English-Maestro connections+comments

I think that`s it!


Hello I just discovered something on wordle!! You can actually do sentences!! but its in the advanced wordle tab. So for example instead of doing something like Whatwelearnedthismonth it would be like: What we learned this month But you have 2 do it in a special format like this:
October: 2
November: 7
etc. so you have 2 write the word and then the # of times you want to put it in!! There's an example on the create page!!
Hopefully this will help some people out!!

Nov 8, 2010


Hello guys here is the homework of the day:

Health-Do you eating record sheet for this week or next week. I`m not sure if we have health tomorrow, since it`s DPA but bring your health folder if you haven`t already done so.
Geography-The Africa map is due Wednesday
English-The wordle for October, and finish The Maestro book+connections, questions and comments, etc.
Math-Prepare a binder for the math package that should include: your booklet, loose paper, and a math notebook dedicated to the booklet.

Keep bringing in your report card slips, some of them are still not handed in yet. Band members, tomorrow is the last practice `till the concert, so don`t forget your instrument!!!

Enjoy your night!!! And see you tomorrow!

Good Job!

Well it was an interesting end of the day and I hope you all have some frame of reference or purpose to read on with The Maestro. A reminder of the objectives identified when we started the novel; making connections to each chapter, questioning and challenging some aspect of each chapter, identifying with the character and his situation.  In short, apply yourself and your abilities to the novel and see what you uncover.

No work on the essential skills book at home for the first while. Remember it's a class assignment to be completed at your own pace.

Parag and Jon: Good job on the presentation. Now that we have completed all presentations, you will be receiving your rubrics this week. : ) 

Have a great evening!

Nov 6, 2010

Next Steps...

Ok guys, so far so good with the blogger learning.  Our next step is labeling.  Each time you make a new post (not a comment), you should add the label at the bottom right corner of the post box.  This allows us to simplify and organize our posts.  Right now we're only going to use labels for Homework posts.  You'll see once you do this that "labels" will start to appear in the bottom of the post you publish.  Just click on homework and voila - there are all the homework post for the year!  Have a super weekend and Happy Birthday weekend to Sophia and Vivian!!

Nov 5, 2010

Website Creating

Here's another website I found that you can create your own website, blog, photo gallery or forums.

I have removed Jon's post here because the site that he recommends is not reputable. If you read the licensing agreement, it states that the contents of any and all sites you create belongs to them.  Not really a problem for us but if you start building a site now, you will want to know that the ideas are your own and not attributed to someone else. : )



Geography-Map is on Wednesday
English-Wordle for what you learned in October

Sign your report cards!!!

Have a GREAT weekend!!!! :D

Nov 4, 2010


Hello fellow 8H classmates,

I was sick again today, people think yes i get to stay home, but when you've stayed home 3 days out of 4 days it's realllyyyy boring.. So the October Wordle: Vivian and Hilary what's that cool site other than wordle, you use to make a wordle???( haha that sounded funny!) I AM COMING BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless something bad happens in the next 12 hours... hopefully not *** CROSSING MY FINGERS*** Check out my blog i've spent the last 2 days updating my blog soo CHECK IT OUT!!! Excited Vivian.............. YOUR BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely ( haha such a big word :p),

Sophia Rae Lafleur ~~~Administrator to Music Is My Life

CAN'T WAIT TO COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GMS!~ I Miss You


Today`s homework:

Geography-Map is due next Wednesday
English-Wordle for October for next week
Science-The redo test is tomorrow during lunch recess in Mme.Todd`s room if you want to redo your test.

Sign the bottom portion of your report cards!!!



Hi everyone i am taking the redo test can anyone tell me what the definitions were for part A and the 5 caracteristiques d'un etre vivant it would be helpfull for someone to help me cuz the redo is tomorrow thx

Wordle Challenge!

It's time for us to post our new Wordle which will outline what we have been learning through October to now.  This can and should include all subjects as well as personal learning experiences.  The best submission will be posted on the blog.  It would be a good idea for all of you to do one as it will be assigned for homework next week. : )  Enjoy your evening.

Nov 3, 2010


Hey guys.  I thought Sophia could use a laugh to forget about being sick - see videos.

First thing tomorrow we have Parag's group presenting their data and research for math.  Don't forget!

Also a HUGE THANKS to our painting crew for their awesome work today.  Great job guys!

Ms.Simeone will be teaching tomorrow as I will be in the office.


Hello my Fellow Canadians and Classmates.

I was sick again today 2 for 2... Which is not a good thing :(. I went to the doctors today and they said i have a sinus infection so I'm on medication. And I have to take it 3 times a day so should I bring the pills to school??? I have to bring them to the office right??? So the map for Africa, is that what we were working on at school last week??? Mr Oickle, can I hand it in tomorrow cause I cant type it out... Anything exciting happened in Drama + Music? I might not be coming to school tomorrow. My mom has the impression that the doctor told me not to come to school tomorrow cause I have to do this thing or something I don't know. But I want to come tomorrow cause I've missed 2 days this week!!! AHHHHH!!!!! Staying home is sooooooooo boring :(

Thanks ya'll for the BIRTHDAY WISHES... isn't just lovely being sick on your birthday...

-Sophie :p

Excited for FRIDAY VIVIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***13***
Can someone please tell me Mr.Oickle's e-mail?


Hello, so here is the homework of the day:

Geography- The Africa map is due next Wednesday
English-Persuasive writing is due today at 6:00 if you haven`t already handed it in, you can either post it here or send him an e-mail

And bring $2 for the students vs. teacher volleyball game for United Way(I think) tomorrow during lunch recess.

Have a good night!

P.S Happy Birthday Sophie!!!!!! :D


What's Mr.Oickle's email?

Nov 2, 2010


For the persuasive writing, it's a rough draft,right? 'Cause I did a rough rough draft, and I want/need to extend it and make it into paragraphs, so I want to know of I need to do that to night. Thanks!
Where is the link for the website that helps you with the writing , please some one help.


Hello! Here is the homework for today:

-Science~ Sign your rubric for the cell project
-French~Grammar test for tomorrow
-English~Persuasive writing for tomorrw, if you need help check the writing site

That's about it. Cya tomorrow! :)

Nov 1, 2010


Hey guys here is the homework:

-Science~Test tomorrow on cells
-French~Grammar test on Wednesday or Thursday, I forget but be ready for Wednesday
-Music~ If you haven't been tested for #9 the testing is on the next day 1 which is on Wednesday

I think that's it and the hockey game was exciting but sadly the 67's lost 2-4 :(

Have a great night!

Hey 8H!

Hey everyone,

I was sick today :( so I didn't attend school. How was the hockey game?? What was the score?? I really wanted to go but i have a fever and all that stuff. So I was told to stay home. I know we have a science test tomorrow did Mme. Todd (Treitz) mention anything important in class today??? Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!


and HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!!! November is the best month of the year in my opinion...

Oct 29, 2010


Hey everyone, sorry the homework is a little late but here it is:
-Look over your french grammar for the test next week
-If you haven't, hand in your 67's permission form, it's due Monday
-Study for the science test next week, cells
I think that's it, have a great Halloween!

67's Game Theme

Hi guys.  Don't forget that the colour theme for Monday is to wear white.

Great work today on the math!  I was really impressed with all of your efforts at solving our circle problems! Have a spooktacular weekend!

Oct 28, 2010

Maestro homework

I believe that the Maestro will come back later on in the book, but the question I'm wondering is will Burl be there to welcome him home?

10-12 Post here!

Well, Everyone from my group (Madison, Sophie, Sierra Tom, and I) can comment to this post about their thoughts to chapters 10-12!


Science: Study for test on Tuesday

I think I'm missing something...anyways...
Don't forget to hand in your field trip form and your dance money ($4)
Also wear halloween colours!!

the maestro chapter 5 to 10

this is for my group to comment on, rachel eric jon parag and jeremy

Oct 27, 2010


French: Your rough copy for le coffre is due tomorrow
Math: Mr. Oickle posted the homework for math already
Music: Keep practicing to fill up your charts!!

Don't forget to hand in your permission form for hockey game and to bring your $4 for the dance on Friday!!

Math Questions

Yesterday's Question - Using only 100m of rope, determine the largest possible swimming area (not pool).  Which shape offers the greatest area?

Today's question - Based on discussions in class today involving measurement and geometry, many of you believe that a cylinder shaped like a standard piece of 8.5inch x 11inch paper when held vertically or turned on it's side would hold the same amount of liquid. Your task is to explore the answer for understanding.


PS - several of you have yet to comment on our Maestro questions...: )

Oct 26, 2010


Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share one of my absolute favorite blogs.I think that this blog is just absolutely HILARIOUS!The blog is made by a lady,and she makes funny comics about her childhood and other stuff.The name of the blog is hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.
Here is one of my favorite comic things on the blog.

Maestro Questions (for comment)

Please note that the following questions for discussion/comment address content from chapters 1-5 only.

1) What important information does the prologue offer about the relationship between Burl and his father?
2) What does the author mean when he said that Burl took the incident and placed it in his drawer? (ch. 1)
3) Why did Burl enjoy going to the secret spot? (ch. 2)
4) What advice did Cal given Burl about being lost? (ch. 3)
5) What did the author mean when he wrote, “ Burl took a bite of the north wind for his breakfast”? (ch. 4)
6) Which new character do we meet in Chapter 5?
7) What role does "trust" play in relationship building?
Bonus - describe a character/event or question that intrigues you in the story so far...
Feel free to pose any of your own questions in the comments section.

Homework!! :P


Science: Test next Tuesday!!
Math: Finish the math question with your partners
Drama: Bring props for your tableau tomorrow and we will be missing half of drama because of world of work but we are coming back at 11:45
Literacy: Finish up to chapter 10 for the Maestro

Don't forget to hand in your permission form for the hockey game and bring money for the dance(if you're going) ASAP!! Have a great day :)

Math question

Question:You have to build a swimming pool on the shore with only 100 meters of rope. What's the largest pool you can make???
Thank Sophie. Have fun?


Hey everyone, I this is our home work for today:
-Study for science test
-It your not at chapter 10 or higher in the book we're reading in class
-Answer the math question we started in class (sorry, but I don't know what the question is!)
-If you want, do that sheet of all of the questions on Africa
-Bring money for the dance this Friday
-Bring in your permission form for the world of work by tomorrow
-Bring in you other permission form for the hockey game as soon as possible
I think that's it, if not do whatever you want I don't really care.

Oct 25, 2010

Is tomorrow Day 5?


muahahaha! Halloween is here. the time of goblins and ghouls and all things scary (like the dance. xD fail) who in our class thinks we need more cake for Halloween? haha ok enough with the jokes, what's everyone being 4 Halloween? if u haven't decided yet u might consider going as something really scary like the Muppets or Elmo?


what r u supposed 2 do in paragraph 5 4 the coffer story


Today's Homework is...

French: Finish your rough copy for "le coffre"
Music: Keep practicing to fill up your practice charts!!
Science: If you haven't handed in your 3D model hand it in tomorrow!!
Drama: Gather some props for your tableau

That's it!!

Oct 22, 2010


Today's homework is...

French: Hand in your rough copy for the french story
Music: Keep practicing!!
Science: Finish your 3D cell model for Monday and you will not get time to work on it on Monday either
Drama: Find some props for your tableau

Have a great weekend!!!! :P :)

Oct 21, 2010

hey guys... im studying for geography right now can some one please explain to me what a bidonville is again I KEEP ON FORGETING...thanks


(check out my blog and COMMENT PLEASE)


Hey everyone, do you know where Mr.O'Brien posted the jeopardy game quiz on his blog? Cause I asked him and he said he posted it already but, I looked and couldn't find it. If you know where it is or what it's labled, don't bother making a comment just make a new post. It'll be easier this way, for me anyway. LOL! If you do know how to find it, please make a post, call me, DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES! thx


So the Homework for tonight is...

French: Work on your story and study for the geography test tomorrow!!
Literacy: Bring in your permission forms for World of work and the hockey game
Music: Keep practicing to fill up your charts!!
Drama: Find some props for your tableau


Oct 20, 2010


Hand in your permission form for class field trip, Start your story for french... not sure when its due..., practice music!!, Bring props for tableau!!

Have a good day!!


I think we only have to study for the geography test on Friday, but other than that I think that's it. If I did miss anything it's not my fault this is the first time I've done the Homework. Incase I did miss anything you can make another post, I don't really care. Grade 8 girls got 3rd out of however many schools! Yay them!

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint