Distracted: The Erosion of Attention...

Jun 6, 2011


French: Géo project for tomorrow
Music: Term test tomorrow.
English: PSA's
Math: Hand in your stock market booklets.

Have a great night! (I know I will! :))

Jun 1, 2011


What time does stock market start ?

Final Stock Market Notes

When you arrive in the gym;
Have a seat and set up your office
ID every sheet in your envelope
Hope for bonus bucks $$$!
You will receive an envelope containing;
Tally sheet -- glued to the outside
Transaction Log -- white
Cash Flow sheet – white (several copies)
Prices (Statistics) -- purple
Trading Journal -- pink
Sector Analysis -- orange
Sector Analysis Bar Graph of Averages -- orange
Graphing 5 Stocks -- yellow
Tally Sheet;
Make sure you’ve filled in names!
This sheet will be our final tally to see how you fared
There will be a final audit, so make sure you’re accurate!
Transaction Log;
This is your ‘shopping list’:  Bring it with you when you come up to buy or sell your stocks
Cash Flow Sheet
On this sheet you need to keep track of any transaction, including:
Stock purchases -- OUT (spent)
Dividend stocks -- IN (earned)
Bonuses -- IN (earned)
Fines -- OUT (spent)
There will be an audit, so you make sure you keep track of everything!
Prices (Statistics)
Use this sheet to keep track of market trends
Green = increase +
Red = decrease -
Yellow = no change
Do this for every round!
Look for trends to help you decide whether to buy or sell
Trading Journal
Use this sheet to analyze the headlines
1.Decide which stocks are affected
2.Is it good news (Ý) or bad news (ß)
3.Based on that, do you want to buy? Or sell? Or avoid the stock altogether?
4.Once you’ve decided, make up your shopping list (Transaction Log) 
Sector Analysis
Use this sheet to decide which sector is performing well or performing poorly.
Follow the instructions at the top of the sheet 
Sector Analysis – Bar Graph of Averages
Use this sheet to graph your sector analysis (previous page)
Use your graphs to look for trends
Use these trends to help you decide what to buy and what to sell
Graphing 5 Stocks
Before Round 1, choose any five stocks
You need to track these five stocks for each round
Use five different colours to draw your graph

May 31, 2011


English: PSA's
Math: Stock Market on June 2nd. Workbook for tomorrow.
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 7. Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song).
French: Géo project for June 6th.

Have a great night!

May 27, 2011


French: Géo project for June 1 (by the way, I lost my sheet, so if someone could give me the details of the project, that would be great!)
English: PSA's
Math: Stock Market
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 7( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June, it is not June 6). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song).

Hand in your permission forms for the sports day by Monday.

Have a great night!

Stock Market Update - Mr. Walsh

Make sure to spend lots of time on the Cash Flow log, the Tally Sheet and the Transaction Log. These have to be PERFECT … last year the top 12 finishers in terms of total assets were disqualified due to various accounting irregularities. Some of the mistakes were simply a result of not double checking their math …others were more involved with “mystery” money, stocks or unaccounted transactions. It doesn’t matter why .. if there is an irregularity of even ten dollars in the final accounting, that team is disqualified immediately and the next highest  brokerage assets will be examined.

The gifted split class, 7/8K, will be the Bear Pit trading crew. Impress on your teams that when they come to the trading desk, there is no room for error. If there is a math mistake in their money or they are confused as to the buying or selling, the Bear Pit crew will simply turn them away. There is no pleading, arguing or disagreement allowed … the teams have a single trip to the trading table each round. If the team makes a mistake, they have lost their chance for that round. NO EXCEPTIONS!

May 26, 2011


French: Géographie project for June 1st.
English: Inspiring PSA's
Math: Stock Market!!
Music: Mini test #78. Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)

Have a great night!

May 25, 2011


French: Geography Project for June 1.
English: Dumbest generation responses.
Math: Stock Market handbook
Science: Name tag
Music: Term test on June 6( I am pretty sure that is the first day 1 in June). Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)
Drama: dances (are we ever going to do them?)

Have a great night!

TDG Reasons

Reason 5

Reason 6

Reason 7

Reason 8

Click on the word/number to get redirected to the post.

May 24, 2011

For the Geography project, I'm half done but I'm stuck on categories... Mr. Obrian just said technology and clothes...?

Stock Market Notes - From Mr. Walsh

Students must understand the importance of the commodities … the entire simulation is dependent upon the strength of gold and oil.

Graphing practice should be completed by using the 3 stock examples on page 12 .

The records package that each team will find on their trading table, on the day of the game, will contain the following tools:

Stock Market Tally Sheet
Cash Flow Record
Sector Analysis
Trading Journal
Prices Statistics Page
Graphing 5 Stocks Broken Line template
Sector Analysis Bar Graph
Transaction Log

Each of these tools is modeled in the student workbook … the students should be comfortable with each of these.  THESE ACCOUNTABILITY TOOLS ARE CRITICAL … IF THEY DO NOT MATCH UP THEIR ACCOUNTING WITH THE FINAL TOTALS, THE TEAM IS DISQUALIFIED FROM CONSIDERATION AS WINNERS

A few miscellaneous items to discuss …

- no laptops, IPODS,MP3’s, cell phones   …NO EXCEPTIONS! This is fairness issue … not only are there limited plug –ins but also the fluent use of a spread sheet program would serve as too great an advantage.
- everybody needs a calculator or an adding machine … no cell phone calculators allowed ** if caught with any of the above devices, there will be a team fine of $500 and the device will be given to Mr. Walsh to be held until the next school day  (4 days)
- bonus bucks can , and do, make the difference between winning and losing. Last year’s winning team won by $20.00 … bonus bucks are awarded for best business card design, best desk flange, best office set up, best costumes, best logo, and other “surprise” awards.
- ONE AWAY RULE … there is only 1 member of the brokerage away from the table at any time… $50 penalty enforced every time there is an infraction


Responses were do yesterday but Mr. Oickle is letting me finish them up today, so just a reminder if you want to type out your responses tonight because it was do yesterday.


May 21, 2011

The Bet Questions

1.What is the narrator's point of view presented in the story? Provide the evidence from the text to support your answer.

2.Identify any possible bias that might have influenced the narrator's POV support your answers with evidence from the text.

3.Whose voice(s) or opinion(s) are missing from the text?

B. Select one of those missing voices. What might this voice want to say? Explain your thinking.

May 19, 2011


Since no one else posted the homework , i guess i'll do it.

Drama: Dance
English: Dumbest generation comments and rewrite your answer for The Bet
Music: Mini test on Friday #78 last two bars. Term test on June 6. Pick any one these songs: 91,97, 98, 99 , 104 or 106 (Full song)


Jeremy don't forget your usb for the dance.

May 17, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck at Toronto. I wish I was coming, oh well. Have fun!

Rachel and Hilary: I really you guys to read Catching Fire, okay, so you better hurry up, I mean, Hilary, you've had the book for ,like, over a week and your only on page 32. So, please please hurry. Plus, please read the other books I gave you guys, Divergent and Maze Runner, they're almost better than Hunger Games! You know that they must be good!
have fun!

May 16, 2011


French: Map of Asia
English: Dumbest generation responses
Drama: Dances
Music: Mini test on Friday #78 last two bars. Term test June 6 (perfect, my birthday...); Pick any one of these songs: 91,97,98,99, 104,106 (FULL SONG).

Toronto Band members, hand in your permission forms!
Have a great night! :)

Reason #5 - Comment Before May 23

Grand Theft Auto IV, etc.
The stats tell the story here. First week's sales: $500 million. The sales of GTA dwarf movie premieres, CD sales, or, Bauerlein notes, book sales. All that video use, Bauerlein says, has hurt in the classroom, too. Thousands of Massachusetts public school graduates are ending up in remedial reading and writing classes in college, according to a Globe story.

Reason #6 - Comment Before May 23

They don't store the information

"For digital immigrants, people who are 40 years old who spent their college time in the library acquiring information, the Internet is really a miraculous source of knowledge,'' Bauerlein says. "Digital natives, however, go to the Internet not to store knowledge in their minds, but to retrieve material and pass it along. The Internet is just a delivery system.''

Reason #7 - Comment Before May 23

Because their teachers don't tell them so

Or because their parents don't check their bedrooms at midnight to halt the instant messaging..."Kids are drowning in teen stuff delivered 24/7 by the tools, and adult realities can't penetrate," Bauerlein says. Another factor: "It's the era of child-centered classrooms and self-esteem grading.''

Reason #8 - Comment Before May 23

Because they're young

Do you remember how stupid you were when you were a teen-ager? Or all that you didn't know -- and thought you did? And the skills you gained by holding back on foolish comments? Oh, the now-old guy in this picture? He once wrote: "I was so much older then/I'm younger than that now.''

May 15, 2011

Audio project

Mr.Oickle, does the audio project have to be around 30 seconds ?

In total, 30 seconds long. : )

Dance - vedran ,raj ,seb, jeremy and tom

we're going to present tomorrow for mrs. spanglett. so be prepared

California Gurls Group-Dance

Claire, Rachel, Hilary, Vivian, Madison, Sophie and Lydia,

We will be presenting our dance to Mrs. Spanglett sometime on Monday or Tuesday so have your costumes ready, please!!! The next Day 1 will be no good once again because the Toronto Band members of our group will be absent. Thank you!!!


P.S. I will be bringing my iPod for music but could some other people bring theres in case. Thanks again!!! See everyone tomorrow :)

May 13, 2011


Are we going to read "Distracted"?

I'm just waiting to see what the final responses look like. : )

May 11, 2011


French: Invention project, dictée non-préparée, and the map of Asia, ALL for Friday.
English: Dumbest generation responses for May 22 at 5:00PM.
Math: Math Quiz tomorrow for SA and volume of prisms and cylinders.
Drama: Dances (we have to do them at some point...)

Have a great night!

May 10, 2011

This is for Jeremy

Jeremy once you read this go on facebook

May 9, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée about futur proche, simple and antérieur on Friday. Invention project for Friday
English: Dumbest generation responses
Drama: Dances

Hand in your permission form for the Louis Riel show at least for tomorrow.
Math Quiz Thursday (surface area and volume of cylinders and prisms).

Have a great night!


Hi guys.  Just a few reminders for this week.

1) Permission Form for Louis Riel trip Wednesday.
2) 4 Comments on Dumbest Generation (before May 23) - don't rush through these.
3) Math Quiz Thursday (surface area and volume of cylinders and prisms)

May 4, 2011

This is the video of Trudeau saying 'Just watch me' its pretty cool

Pierre Trudeau - Just watch me 

Nicely done Faisa! I didn't know there was video of that interview. : )

May 3, 2011


Math: work on sheets, there will be a test soon

History: invention project may 10th

English: dumbest generation projects for Monday, and hand in your book, or pay $15.

(homework same as yesterday)

Plus those who want to work on yearbook page PLEASE work on the submission tonight, Tom if you want to work with Glogster.


Apr 29, 2011


English: Dumbest generation
French: Invention Project for May 10th
Science: Title Page
Drama: Dances

Have a great night!

Apr 28, 2011


English: Dumbest generation
French: Invention project for May 10th.
Drama: Dances

Tomorrow, wear some sort of formal clothing because Mrs. Baltzer is leaving GMS.

Have a great night! :)

Apr 27, 2011

The Hunger Games!!!!


Whos among us?

so i thought this was pretty cool. when i ususally click on "whos among us" i look at the graph. i don't know how many of you actually saw this but there's a map at the bottom that shows what part of the world it is and to my shock, i saw that there was someone from FRANCE! Mr O said there were other people but this was still pretty cool for me.


French: Student Vote tomorrow at sixth period. Invention project for May 10th.
English: Dumbest generation
Drama: Dances

Hand in your permission form for the Louis Riel thing.

Have a great night!

Apr 26, 2011


French: Elections Test will occur tomorrow. Student vote will take place on the 28th and 29th. The invention project is due on May 10th.
English: The dumbest generation.
Drama: Dances
Science: Les fluides (you know, which should have been done today...)

Have a great night!

Apr 22, 2011

Reason #4 - Comment Before April 27

4. They get ridiculed for original thought, good writing
  "On MySpace, if you write clearly and compose coherent paragraphs with informed observations on history and current events, 'buddies' will make fun of you,'' Bauerlein says. Wikipedia writing is clean and factual, but colorless and judgment-free. Often the most clever students, with flashes of disorganized brilliance on MySpace, switch to dull Wiki-writing formats for school papers, he says. "If we could combine the style and imagination of MySpace with the content of Wikipedia, we might get good stuff."

(Jeremy, Jon(s) & Parag will love the next reason...)

Apr 21, 2011


French: Elections test on April 26th. Student vote April 28/29. Invention project for May 10th.
Drama: Dances
English: Dumbest generation
Science: Les fluides

Apr 20, 2011


French: Elections test on April 26th. Student vote April 28/29. Invention project for May 10th.
Drama: Dances
English: Dumbest generation
Science: Les fluides

Have a great night!

Apr 19, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on les homophones tomorrow. Elections Test on the 26th and student vote will be happening the next day. Invention project for may 10th.
Math: Pg 256 4,6,7 Pg 257 8,11,12,13 Pg 258 14-16 for tomorrow, I assume.
English: Dumbest generation!!
Music: Composition projects for tomorrow and mini test for first 2 bars of #65 (sorry I had said 58 before).
Drama: Dances
Science: Les fluides.

Have a great night!:)

Apr 18, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on Wednesday. Elections test on April 26, and student vote the next day. Invention project for May 10.
Music: Composition projects and mini test on the first 2 bars of #58 for Weds.
Drama: dances
English: Dumbest generation

Have a great night!

Apr 17, 2011

Reason #3 - Comment before Apr 20

They can't spell

Lack of capitalization and IM codes dominate online writing. Without spellcheck, folks are toast.

(This is a short one but interesting given our recent discussion around use of grammar, punctuation and spelling when posting. Please note that while many of you have improved in these areas on the second reason but there are still a few of you posting without caps and with multiple spelling errors. Paragraph structure, punctuation and grammar are increasingly becoming a part of your mark with your posts.)

Apr 16, 2011

Does anyone know Mrs. Todd's e-mail?

Apr 15, 2011


French: Elections Test on April 26 and invention projects for May 11.
English: Dumbest Generation
Music: Composition projects for next class; mini test0n first 2 bars of #58
Drama: dances

Have a great night!

Apr 14, 2011

Glogster Link

For those of you looking to create something different for your poster, here is an example of what Glogster allows you to do. It may take a few moments to load.


Apr 13, 2011


French: Elections test on March 26 and student vote will take place the next day.
Math: Corrections for Thursday and Retest on Friday
Music: Composition projects for next week and music mini test on the first two bars on #58.
English: Dumbest generation responses for before April 16. Read the chapter you're working on, discuss it, and think about your poster
Drama: Dances MUST be presented next week. Please be prepared!

Have a great night! :)

Apr 12, 2011

California Gurls Group-Dance

Costume for tomorrow's dance:
Flip-flops (if you have extras please bring some)
Bright coloured t-shirt
Black pants/shorts/leggings/whatever
Easy to put on hoodie for Snoop Dog part
***If you have sunglasses or extras please bring
THANKS!!! See you tommorow!!!!! <3


Music: Composition projects for tomorrow.
Drama: Dances will be presented tomorrow!!! Be ready with your props and dance moves!
Math: Corrections for math test must be done and handed in by Thursday. Anyone who got 6/11 or less may have a retest that will be held on Friday.
English: Responses for the 2nd quotes for before April 16th. Read the preface, introduction, and 1st Chapter of the Dumbest Generation because we will be discussing that at some point. Read your assigned chapter and think about presentations.

Day of Pink is tomorrow!!! Wear pink and bring your money.

Have a great night! :)
Hi! Does anyone know what M. O'brien e-mail is?

Reason #2 - comment before April 16

They don't read books -- and don't want to, either

"It's a new attitude, this brazen disregard of books and reading. Earlier generations resented homework assignments, of course, and only a small segment of each dove into the intellectual currents of the time, but no generation trumpeted aliteracy ... as a valid behavior of their peers.''

Apr 11, 2011


Health: Quiz tomorrow
Music: Composition project for April 13.
Drama: Dances will be presented on April 13. Be ready!
English: Dumbest generation responses are due before April 12.

Day of Pink is happening on April 13th!

Have a great night!!!

Apr 10, 2011

On the Greener Side

 Submissions for On the Greener Side, Volume II are now due. See Mr. Kitz for details.

Ideally, submissions have had a quick check over by you the English teacher. Then they are sent by the student to me as a Microsoft Word attachment in size 12 font, Times New Roman. I am fine with students knowing and using my school e-mail account, david.kitz@ocdsb.ca. No one has abused that privilege. 

Reason #1 - comment before April 12

1. They make excellent "Jaywalking'' targets
Bauerlein writes:

"The ignorance is hard to believe ... It isn't enough to say that these young people are uninterested in world realities. They are actively cut off from them. ... They are encased in more immediate realities that shut out conditions beyond -- friends, work, clothes, cars, pop music, sitcoms, Facebook.''

(you guys are going to love #2 - Mr. O)
This is for the people who don't care what happens on the "other side of the world".

Apr 9, 2011

Dumbest Generation

Chapter 1: EVERYONE!
Chapter 2: Claire, Lydia, Sophie, Maddie
Chapter 3: Aggie, Eric, Rohini, Tom
Chapter 4: Sierra, Vivian, Hilary, Rachel
Chapter 5: Sebastian, Jeremy, Vedran, Faiza
Chapter 6: Jon H, Jon L, Parag, Raj

Have fun reading!

Apr 8, 2011


English: The dumbest generation question on blog for before April 12th.
Math: Quiz on Monday
Science: Revision sheet for Monday.
Health: Quiz on April 12th
Music: Composition projects for April 13th.
Drama: Dances WILL be presented on April 13th. Be ready!

Whoa, we're actually getting more homework...

Day of Pink on April 13th!

Have a great night!

Apr 7, 2011

Homework Pt.2

Sorry, somehow, my computer isn't letting me edit my own posts...

French: Dictée tomorrow!


Music: Composition projects for April 13th.
Drama: Dances
Health: Quiz on April 12th.
Math: Test on Friday or Monday.

Have a great night!

Apr 6, 2011

Hi everyone this is just a little post about inverse operations. I know some people still find things confusing. I found this website that shows different examples and ways of working with inverse operations. It also goes into some more complicated inverse operations such as square root and exponents and more. Check it out and after you read it if you want there are interactive questions at the bottom. http://mathsfirst.massey.ac.nz/Algebra/InvFun/InvOp.htm Just trying to help a bit! :D Jon


Music: Composition project for next week.
Drama: Dances
Health: Quiz on April 12th
Math: Test on Friday.

Have a great night!
When is the graduation ceremony? My mother wants to know.

Apr 5, 2011


Music: Projects for tomorrow!!!!
Drama: We may be presenting our dances tomorrow or next week.
Math: Algebra sheets. Math test on Friday.

Have a great night!

Apr 4, 2011


Music: Composition project for Wednesday.
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra math sheets
History: Invention project thingy (he hasn't really talked about it...)

Have a great night!!!

Apr 1, 2011


Music: Composition projects for April 6th.
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra sheets (not sure about due dates...)

Have a great weekend!

Oh, and also, I know no one really cares, but the world final for cricket is tomorrow! India against Sri Lanka!

Mar 31, 2011


French: Invention project. I do not know when it is due!
Drama: Dances
Math: Algebra worksheets. Mr O will give us more time to work on them though.
Music: Composition projects for the next music class.
Science: Plan Incliné for tomorrow!

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day!

Have a great night!!!

Mar 30, 2011


Watch Born To Learn Video.

Science: Plan incliné for Friday
Music: Composition projects probably for next music class.
Drama: Dances
Math: Pg 125-126 questions 2-8.

Have a great night!

Mar 29, 2011


Science: Plan incliné for Friday
Music: Composition projects for tomorrow.
Drama: Dances
English: Poetry assignments.

411 Girl's Presentation tomorrow!

Have a great night!

Mar 28, 2011


Math: For the rest of the term, we will be using math textbooks.
English: Anthologies
Science: Plan Incliné for April 1st
Music: Composition project for Wednesday
Drama: dances

Student survey form for March 31st. 411 Girl's presentation form must be handed in before Wednesday

Mar 25, 2011


English: Anthologies for Monday.
Music: Composition projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances
Science: Don't forget! We are doing an experiment on Friday.

Student survey forms for March 31st. 411 Girl's presentation form for ASAP.

Have a great night!

Mar 24, 2011


OMG, sorry! Completely forgot about the homework!!!
French: Dictée non-préparée tomorrow
English: Anthologies for Monday.
Music: Composition for March 30th
Drama: Dances
Math: Battleship and essential skills for 2morrow!

Student survey forms for March 31st and those pink forms for ASAP!

Have a great night!

Mar 23, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée for futur simple and proche
English: Poetry anthologies for Monday
Math: Battleship and essential skills for Friday.
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Drama: Dances

Hand in the student survey forms by March 31.

Have a great night!

Mar 22, 2011

Wordle thingy

Hi just wondering one thing why on the bottom of our blog do we have a wordle with all of our names??

Also no offense to you all but like I was looking at our blog and nocticed that the wordle thing Sierra and Viv's name were alot larger then the others. I'm presuming that it was just to show who made the wordle thing. I'm just pointing this all out cuz like arent we all equal?????

I personally think we should all have the same size name since we are a family: We are 8H a great group of kids going to school arent we??

If you wanted to say it was by Sierra and Viv just post it on there and post a little tag at the bottom saying By Sierra and Viv.

Anyone else see that at the bottom of the blog??


English: Poetry projects for Monday
Math: Battleship boards and Essential Skills for Friday.
Music: Composition projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances
Phys.Ed: Just a reminder that starting tomorrow, gym is now Health for 3 weeks.

Student survey forms for ASAP.

Have a great night!

Mar 21, 2011


Math: Essential Skills and battleship boards for Friday.
English: Poetry anthologies for Monday.
Phys.Ed/Health: Starting tomorrow, we will be doing health... *sigh*
Music: Composition Projects for March 30th.
Drama: Dances.
French: The L3M projects should be in, but just in case they aren't, GET IT IN!!

Student survey forms for ASAP!

Have a great night!

Mar 11, 2011


French: If you are STILL not finished the trois mousquetaires project, GET IT DONE!!!!!
English: Collages and reflections WERE due today, but if you didn't hand them in, do it ASAP! Work on poetry books
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Math: Battleship boards also due today, but hand them in asap.
Drama: Dances

Have a great March Break!!!!

Mar 10, 2011


French: L3M project due tomorrow
English: Hand in your collages and reflections by tomorrow
Math: Battleship boards for tomorrow
Music: Composition project for March 30th
Drama: Dances
Science: Gain mécanique for tomorrow

March Break dance $ for tomorrow, because it is happening tomorrow!!!

Have a great night!

Mar 9, 2011


Can anyone post the novel studies sheet for me? please please please please!! I can't find mine and I need to make sure I have everything done since it's due Friday!! And also is the math book still due Friday?! Because soem people said it was and others said it wasn't?! Anyways please please please post the sheet on the blog!!


French: L3M for Friday.
Math: Battleship board for Friday.
English: Collages and reflections for Friday.
Science: Sheet about le gain mécanique.
Music: Composition project for the 30th of March
Drama: Dances

Cupcake sale tomorrow at morning recess and Friday at Lunch. Dance is on Friday! There might be a snow day tomorrow!!!!!

Have a great night!

Mar 8, 2011


French: Dictée for Wednesday and L3M project for sometime this week.
English: Have your collages and reflections done before March Break.
Math: Battleship boards are due by Friday.
Drama: Dances
Music: Composition project for the 23rd of March
Science: The sheet for the 'gain mécanique' is due for the next science class.

Grad photos are tomorrow!March Break dance on Friday!

Have a great night!

Mar 7, 2011


hey people of the world(my class), I just wrote a poem that I would like to post to see what you guys think. It's not part of my poetry book it's for last week when Mr. O asked us to write a poem. I wasn't here, so I wrote my poem now! Here it is tell me what you think!!

:) (this is the title :p)

by Sophie

I live to laugh
while others cry
life passes by
it's do or die!

Some call me Smiley
I really don't care
they say you always smile
cause i got that flair!

Some people think I'm weird
cause I laugh all the time
I don't say anything
I continue my climb!

Be optimistic
Don't look at the downs
life is the best
What's with your frown?

Live life to the fullest
that's what I say
each day goes by
live your life today!

Thanks :)


French: L3M project due sometime this week. Dictée non-préparée on WEdnesday.
English: Hand in your reflections and collages ASAP. Work on your poetry.
Math: Battleship grids due for Friday.
Science: Review sheet for tomorrow.
Music: Composition project for March 23rd.
Drama: Dances.

Have a great night!

Mar 4, 2011


French: L3M project for next Friday
Math: Battleship thing for next Friday
English: Be sure to hand in your collages and reflections ASAP.
Drama: Dances
Music: Composition project for March 23rd
DPA: Skating permission forms for ASAP.

Have a great night!

Mar 3, 2011


Skating - Don't forget to have your permission forms signed and returned ASAP for our skating day next Tuesday or Thursday - weather permitting.  Forms will go home tomorrow.

French: L3M project for Monday.
English: Collages, reflections and poetry.
Math: Graphing sheet for tomorrow
Music: Composition project for March 23rd
Drama: Dances

Grad Dance $ for tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be Comfy Day!

Have a great night!

Mar 2, 2011


since no ones posted the homework...

french: les trois mousquetaires project is due monday
we have to basically make a board game or an interview or someother things. its your choice on what you want to do.

math: i don't kno if we're suppose to redo the math sheet or not.

grad forms due tommorow!!!!

Mar 1, 2011


English: I guess the collage is due tomorrow...
French: L3M project for March 7th
Music: mini test on the first four bars of #47 tomorrow.
Drama: Dances.
Science: Those questions we did today, but I guess you can't really do them cause you don't have the textbook...

Congrats to the Senior Band for getting Silver Standing at Music fest! Comfy will be on Friday! Grad dance forms for Wednesday or Thursday ( I keep hearing different things about it).

Have a great night!

As you now know, the blog is now, bobblebrains11.blogspot.com.

Feb 25, 2011


Sorry! Completely forgot about the homework!

French: L3M project for March 7th. We start Confederation next week!
English: Collage for Tuesday.
Music: Mini test on the first 4 bars of #47 on next Wednesday.
Drama: Dances
Science: Dictée on Monday (probably).

Grad dance forms are due next week! Happy birthday to Tom and Faiza! Comfy day on March 4th!

Have a great night folks!

This is to Raj

Hey Raj, I just sent you 2 links to see some of Raj's best sences, you better watch them or I'll be really upset, no pressure. I'm pretty sure you like them, I LOVE the first one, so funny. Plus I found out your, I mean Raj's actors name is Kunal Nayyal, I just posted it as my hotmail message thing. Thanks!

Feb 24, 2011


French:Dictée non préparée tomorrow! L3M project for the 7th of March. Finish some of the history papers, if you want.
Drama: Dances
English: What is your name? BHM collage due at some point...
Science: Title Page and dictée tomorrow.
Music: Mini test for first four bars of #47.

Grad Dance and Yearbook for tomorrow! March 4th is Comfy day!

Have a great evening!

Feb 23, 2011


I forgot my science binder at school, so if anyone has the dictée words with them, could you please comment them?



Sorry the homework is so late!

Science: Dictée and title page for Friday
French: Trois Mousquetaires project due on March 7th (I think?).
Music: Mini test for the first four bars of #47
Drama: Dances!
English: What is your name?

March 4th is Comfy Day!
Hand in your yearbook forms by Friday and Grad dance forms for Friday or next Wednesday (I'm also confused about that!)

Have a great evening!!

Feb 22, 2011

I know I should remember this but what was the name of the lady who did the workshop where she treated blue eyed people like African-Americans? I know it was Jane something..


Science: Title page and dictee for Friday
English: What is your name? Hand in your responses for BHM by Monday ( I think) and your book reports ASAP.
Drama: Work on dances!

Yearbook forms for Friday and grad dance forms for next Wednesday.

Have a great evening. Sorry if I missed anything!

Feb 21, 2011

What's Your Name?

I want to go back for a moment and touch on our discussion regarding the adoption of English or Western names for students from other parts of the world.  I'd like you to comment on this practice and also see what you can find online to help us better understand this practice and the potential impact on identity and values....

Kindness Week

Ok guys. I hope you're having a superb 4 day weekend. Here's your chance to exercise your creativity and character. We have to put together a project this week to celebrate kindness week. I have a couple of ideas but wanted to open it up to you first to see if there was anything you thought we could do. Feel free to comment to this post with your ideas or bring them with you tomorrow.

Feb 20, 2011

Even more pics

The other girl is my exchange partner, Apolline.

More photos

For some reason I can only post 5 photos at a time so here some more.

Feb 19, 2011

France Photos

Hi! Here are some photos I took in France

I'm back!

OMG, I have arrived in Ottawa (actually I arrived yesterday...)! I am really excited to be back home, and I can't wait to see all of you again!

Feb 16, 2011


Could someone please please print my wordle because my printer isn't working right now and it's due tomorrow...!!!
Hi 8H! I'm at the Toronto airport right now, my flight got delayed 4 hours: :(
I'm touring Paris tommorow so I'll try to post lots of pictures.
And thank you for buying the awesome ice cream cake for us, Mr.O!

Feb 15, 2011


English~ Wordles for Thursday, if not you don't get a mark, and also Mr.Oickle wants to see all the entries for Black History month for tomorrow or Thursday

Math~ The circle sheet that we got today is due Thursday, I think?

Grad dance forms, and the yearbook forms are due the 25th.

Feb 14, 2011

Hey everyone! Happy Valentines day! I actually don't like valentines day, it's really just a day to remind everyone that their not in a relationship..........anyway Mr.O wanted me to post that the personal wordle is due Thursday and if you don't had it in by then, you don't get a mark. And this part is for Sofia Z. remember to take LOTS of photos and make sure to take one that makes you look like your holding the tower! I love it when people do that its so cool! (That was really good DQ cake! Can't get it off my mind, well and the chilly I'm having for diner. Hehe!) Anyway, I have to go eat something, I have food on my mind, remember to do your personal wordle. Also, the grad dance forms, don't know when their due but I'm sooo excited. You should probably hand them in as soon as possible because it would really, and I mean REALLY suck if everyone else was partying except for you! Food, right got to go! BYE!


So here is today's homework,

English~ Personal wordles

French~ Discours for people who still haven't presented

Grad dance forms and the year book forms are due the 25th.

Feb 12, 2011

Data & DNA?

Hi guys. Here are a few snippets from an interesting article...

Global data storage calculated at 295 exabytes
By Jon Stewart Presenter, BBC World Service

Stack of books The world's data would be the equivalent of 13 layers of books over China

Mankind's capacity to store the colossal amount of information in the world has been measured by scientists.

The study, published in the journal Science, calculates the amount of data stored in the world by 2007 as 295 exabytes.

That is the equivalent of 1.2 billion average hard drives.

The same information stored digitally on CDs would create a stack of discs that would reach beyond the moon, according to the researchers.

Other results from the global survey show that we broadcast around two zettabytes of data (a zettabyte is 1000 exabytes). That's the equivalent of 175 newspapers per person, per day.

These numbers may sound large, but they are still dwarfed by the information processing and storage capacity of nature.

"The Human DNA in one single body can store around 300 times more information than we store in all our technological devices" according to Dr Hilbert.

This study looked at the world as a whole, but the scientists say that it does show that the "digital divide" between rich and poor countries is growing. Despite the spread of computers and mobile phones, the capacity to process information is becoming more unequal.

In 2002 people in the developed world could communicate eight times more information than people in the developing world. Just five years later, in 2007, that gap has nearly doubled, and people in richer countries have 15 times more information carrying capacity.

Feb 11, 2011


Hey guys, here is the homework for this weekend:

English~ Journal entry for today

French~ People who still haven't presented their discours will be presenting next week.

I think that's about it. Have a great weekend!

Feb 9, 2011

Costa Rica

Here's a link to my flickr with costa rica pics/videos.(The video is of an olingo. click for info.)

Feb 8, 2011


Here is today's homework:

English~ Journal Entries of the two videos we saw today

French~ Discours, for the people who still haven't presented

Pizza, Milk and Yearbook orders due.

Feb 7, 2011


Hi, sorry the homework is a little late

English~ Journal Entries

French~ People will be presenting their discours this week

Pizza, Milk and Yearbook orders are due this week.

Feb 6, 2011


Hope everyone's watching the football game, otherwise im pretty sure Sophia's not gonna be too happy :P BTW, Black Eyed Peas just performed Where is the Love on the half time show, it was really good!! LET'S GO STEELERS!!! Comeback time! :)

Feb 5, 2011

BHM Vocabulary

Hi guys. Here is the vocabulary we will be developing and drawing on to describe our work this month. Please make an effort to use this language as much as possible in your reflections. Also, don't lose sight of the transitions and connections that are happening between each exercise and/or video we see.

* Ageism
* Bias
* Discrimination
* Hate
* Ignorance
* Judgment
* Learned Behaviour
* Master Status
* Perspective
* Prejudice
* Racial Profiling
* Racism
* Sexism
* Stereotype
* Tolerance
What are all the things we need on our science project? I'm missing some I think.

Feb 4, 2011

Black History Month and what you missed!

Hey people who weren't in today! Sorry I didn't post yesterday.
Yesterday: We watched a movie, show thing were it told us a story about a black man being dragged behind a truck by a chain by 3 white people (BTW they zigzagged all around the road and spray painted him and a bunch of horrible stuff while he was awake, don't really want to describe it) ,drunk obviously, but that's not an excuse. The whole thing was about this man's death, how the families react, the 3 white men going to trial and being convicted, how their families feel. A town being divided by colour and race, even at the cemetery, there was a fence put up to separate the black for white. Disgusted from their behaviour, and how he died. (his shoulder and head got cut off by one of those drain pipe things in front of houses)
Today: We finished the James Byrd video and watched a different movie about a school in Tennessee called Whitwill middle school entitled Paper Clips. In that school, they have 5 kids of colour. The teachers wanted to teach the students about Hitler and the Holocaust ( i mean the fact he killed 6 million Jewish people) but they had trouble understanding what 6 million looks like, so they started the paperclip project. Their goal was to get 6 million paperclips, they sent out letters to family, friends and famous people, like some former presidents and such. In the end, they reached over 24 million paperclips, and they put them in a train car (one of the ones 90 Jewish people were forced into) and put 6 million paperclips in to represent the Jewish people, and another 5 million to represent all of the gays and lesbians.

Tom & Jon H

A reminder that you two have to bring in your cheques for mini-enrichment.


Hey guys, here's today's homework:

English~ Journal entrys about "Two Cites of Jasper" and "Paperclips"

French~Discour presentations next week

Science~ People who still haven't presented will be presenting on Monday

Music~Mini tes, first 2 bars on #29

Also the pizza and milk order forms are on the school blog.

Feb 3, 2011

Do we have science tomorrow?

Jane Elliot Video

Hi Guys. Here is the link to the original Jane Elliot video.



Hey everyone, here is today's homework:

French: discours start on Monday

English: Write a response on today's lesson (James Byrd)

Science: Science fair presentations still going on tomorrow and Monday

Health: Don't forget the cigarette box is due tomorrow and the test is on Monday

Music: Mini test on the first 2 bars of #29 I think

Plus there's forms for pizza and milk to fill out on the school blog

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!
2011 is the year of the bunny!

Feb 2, 2011


did anyone present their science fair project today ??
Will tomorrow be a PD day too? 'Cause it doesn't look like it's stopping...
Found it!

Feb 1, 2011

Hey everyone, I have been looking everywhere for the history slid show thing we did on Friday, Jeopardy. I can't find it! Mr.O'Brien said he'd post it, but he didn't! ''Aaawwww' Anyway, if you find it, please tell me because the test is tomorrow.
This part is for Rohini and those who are away. Today we watched a movie about this lady, i forget the name, who took a bunch of white people and treated them like coloured people were/are treated. She separated them depending on their eye colour, something they can't control. And didn't tell them anything about the exercise except the fact it was an exercise.It was really powerful and meaning full and the lady even made some people cry! (aaaww!) the same lady also did this exercise with a 3rd grade class when she was still teaching, and after that exercise, a lot of people related to her were also miss treated and went out of business. Her children were abused. Sorry, but you guys missed a pretty awesome movie!
Hello. I was wondering if someone had a color printer so I could print stuff for my science project? I only have a couple things to print, thanks. :)



Science~ Science fair project presentation for tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.

Health~ Cigarette box

History~ Rebellion test is tomorrow (Thanks Faisa, I forgot to post that on)

Milk and pizza order forms on the school websites.

And also tomorrow might be a snow day, so check to see if the buses are cancelled.
Hey guys I have no ideas whatsoever on what my topic should be for discour. So any suggestions would help. Thanks!!! (And I'm not doing the speech part, I'm doing the presentation with a poster or on PowerPoint...so ya...)

Jan 31, 2011


English~Since Mr.Oickle wasn't here today, you can hand your english next time he is here.


History~ Rebellions test on Wednesday

Science~ Science fair project presentation on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Health~Cigarette box for the end of the health unit

Food order forms!
For the cigaretter cover for health do we have to make a slogan AND a logo or do we just make a logo?! And also does the whole cover have to be about how smoking is bad for you or just a part of it?!


Hi everyone! I just wanted to say hi from Kanpur, India. Even though it may be a little polluted and populated, I like the company; and the food. It may be winter, but it feels like summer over here! When I get back to Canada, it is going to be such an adjustment!

Well, I can't wait to see all of you again and I hope that all is good in 8H!

Yours truly,


Jan 29, 2011


hey can some one post the french dictee here on the blog? Thanks!!!


Jan 28, 2011


Hey guys here is the homework for today:

French~Dicours ( 3 ideas for next week or something)
~Dictee preparer next week (Monday I think?)

History~Study rebellions test for Wednesday

English~ Book report due Monday for the other people.

Science~ Science fair project presentation on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so be ready!

Health~ Cigarette box by the end of the health unit.

And also if you want to re-order milk and pizza, the forms are on the school blog.

Jan 27, 2011

Book Report

So Eric, here is the questions that you needed, sorry if they're a little blurry, hope that helps! (BTW: If you want to see it more clearly, just click the image and it will zoom in for you)


Hey Everyone Here is today's homework

Science - Science Fair ( which is coming real soon! So be warned. And backboards are 5$)

Health - Cigarette Box ( Draw the cover of a cigarette box to make people not want to smoke)

French - Discours ( 3 Ideas by next week or something )

History - Study for the test on rebellions

English - NOVEL STUDIES DUE TOMORROW !!!!!! (or Mon. to the people that Mr. O said)

Plus HS option sheet due tomorrow unless you want to be like Jon Lu's sister and have math, science, english and french for 1st semester. I really don't think any of us really want that.

Plus tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone loves Fridays :)

See you Tomorrow

Novel Study help please!

I forgot my novel assignment sheet at school :(. Can someone give me the questions that your supossed to answer at the middle of the book and the end of the book of A. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 26, 2011


This is for Rachel, I just want to let you know I'm starting the conclusion and the a.i. so i just wanted to let you know that. I haven't really started now, but after this message I'll start it. Anyway, thanks for taking over the homework, Mr.O's and Vedran's conversation made me think I should thank you so,''thanks''!


English project

Math booklet (i don't know if its the whole book)

French discour

Science fair

Jan 25, 2011


k. since no ones posted the homework.

Math booklet is due by the end of the month (the whole thing i think)

English Project due by the end of the month

Find a speech topic for french

Science fair project

Jan 24, 2011

Option Sheets

Hi Guys.  High School option sheets need to be handed in to me by this Friday. Please be sure to review them with your parents before submitting them.

Discours and the Steelers!

Hey Everyone,

I have a question for our French discours. What are we suppose to do? Because Mr. O'Brien said we don't have to write one we can do a presentation. I don't understand...

And did anyone watch football last night, Steelers are going to the superbowl !!!!!!!! SO HAPPY
Green Bay is going down.. It's going to be a good game. I was decked out in my steelers gear yesterday. Even my fingernails were painted black and yellow. And the only song I was singing was BLACK AND YELLOW! Hope everyone has a good Monday! See you guys tomorrow!


Jan 23, 2011


A cup of boiling water. -24 degrees C.

Jan 21, 2011


Sorry the homework was late; kinda got caught up with the excitement of going to India tomorrow!

French: Think about your discours
English: Novel Study for Jan 28 or Fab 1 for some. Reflections!
Math: Pages 1-15 and 30-34 for Monday! Review test on angles and algebra on Thursday.
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini Test last two bars of #16 next class.
Health: Cigarette cover for the end of the unit.

Have a great night!

Jan 20, 2011


English: Novel Study for Jan. 28 for most and Feb. 1 for some. Also, reflection about today.
Math: Pages 1-15, and 30-34 for Monday
Science: Science Fair and Catapult
Drama: Jingles
Health: Cigarette cover for the end of the unit
Music: Mini test next class; last two bars of #16

SRB forms for Jan. 28. Ugly Sweater Day tomorrow!

Have a great night!

Jan 19, 2011

French Immigration Project

Here are the questions for the french immigration faisa. Sorry if there a bit blurry. I zoomed it in as much as i could. Its too much to type. Hope it helps.
Hi does any one remember that name of the experiment Mr.Oickle talked about? the one with the electric shocks?

Immigration questions

Can someone please post all the questions for the immigration project ? PLEASEEE !


French: Dictée non-préparée on Friday.
History: Immigration project for Jan. 20.
Math: pages 1-15 and 30-34 must be completed for Monday .
English: Novel Study for Jan 28 or Feb 1 for some people.
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini test last two bars of #16.
Science: Science Fair and catapult.
Health: Cigarette box cover for the end of the unit.

Please bring in your forms for registration into SRB by Jan 28. Ugly Sweater day in 2 days!

Have a great night!

Jan 18, 2011

Michael Jordan 'Failure' Nike Commercial



French: Dictée non-préparée on Friday. Start thinking about the discours.
History: Immigration project due Jan 20.
English: Novel Study due Jan 28, for most, and Feb 1 for that awesome table in the very back! (Mr. Oickle actually said that our table can still hand it in on Feb 1; ask him!)
Math: Pages 1-15 and 30-34 must be completed by Monday.
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini test for the last 2 bars of #16.

Hand in your forms for registration for SRB by Monday. This Friday is Ugly Sweater Day!

Have a great night!

Registration Form

Mr. Oickle is there LDHSS registration forms at school ?

Jan 17, 2011


French: Dictée non-préparée on Thursday about passé composé
History: Immigration project January 20
Math: Math Booklet pages 1-15 and 30-34
English: Novel Study for Jan 28 for most and Feb 1 for that awesome table at the very back!
Science: Science Fair
Drama: Jingles
Music: Mini Test next class last two bars of #16.

Please hand in your Drug Use forms! Ugly Sweater Day is on Friday!
Please comment if I missed something or made a mistake.

Have a great night!

Jan 16, 2011

Penny Lane

I saw Canadian brass yesterday and they played this. i though it was really cool so i found it on YouTube. it features a trumpet that plays so high that when the song came out, people believed it had been digitally put in and edited higher.

Jan 13, 2011

Transition to High School

Although it's still a while away, you'll soon be thinking about High School.  I have a few resources for you and your parents available at this site.  It's worth a look before the SRB visit next week. : )


Sorry the homework is late!

English: Novel Study due for Feb. 1 or Jan 28 for others.
Math: Pages 1-10, 30-34, and 11-15 MUST be completed for Monday
Science: Science Fair
History: Immigration project apparently due on the 20th
Drama: Jingles

Reminder, since the Dance Unit is done, we are moving on to health for the next three weeks.

Have a great weekend! :)

Jan 12, 2011


History: Immigration project due on January 17, or the week of January 17 (not sure!)
English: Novel Study
Math: First ten pages, geometry section, and algebra section MUST be completed for Monday.
Science: Science Fair
Music/Drama: Present Salsa Siesta and Body Surfers (for those who haven't done it) tomorrow at lunch recess/ jingles

Bring in the forms for February and Student drug use survey.
Congrats to Sofia and Agatha for doing exceptionally well in the school spelling bee!

Have a great night!

Jan 11, 2011

Music Dates

Please comment to say when you want to present Salsa Siesta. Sierra and I really need them!


History: Immigration project for January 17.
Science: Science Fair project.
English: Novel Study for Jan. 28 or Feb 1
Math: pages 30-34, then 11-15.
Music/Drama: Body surfers/jingle

For everyone, be sure to comment on my other post when you would like to do the Salsa Siesta.

The times are Wednesday and Thursday at lunch only!!!

Have a great evening!

Music Dates

Everyone, don't forget to give me or Sierra a date to do your Salsa Siesta in your Body Surfers group. You can do it Wednesday or Thursday at only lunch recess. Please let us know by commenting on the blog so we can make a list for Ms.Spear.

Shutter Island

Jan 10, 2011

High School

Hey guys,

I just have a couple of questions about high schools and everything. Cause I want to continue french immersion in high school. Do I have to take every subject in french?? I obliviously know that math and English are in ENGLISH. But I'm really not good at science so it would probably be better if it was in English for me. I'm not going to SRB so I have been looking into high schools, because my home school is Bell and my info night is on Wednesday, Mr. O do you the time? I'm pretty sure I read 6:30 but then someone told me that, that time was for the gifted program. So I really don't know. If someone could answer my question it would help. Thanks



Hey guys, I forgot my sheet for the french dictee to morrow so if some one could post/comment on this message to tell me the test, that would be great.


Sorry the homework is late!

French: Dictée tomorrow so prepare yourself for that.
History: Immigration project due on January 17
Science: Science Fair project
Math: Math Booklet pg 11-15 and 30-34 if you are not done
English: Novel Study for February 1st
Music/Drama: Body Surfers/Jingles

Have a great night and check out the video I posted. Really cool!

Jan 9, 2011

Everything is not what it seems...


Just a cool video about illusions. Thought you guys might be interested...

High Schools

FYI - This list details your home school for next year. If your name is not listed, then your home school is SRB.

Faisa - Longfields
Vedran - Woodroffe
Sophia L - Bell
Vivian - John McCrae
Jon L - Longfields
Eric - Merivale
Aggie - Bell
Jeremy - Longfields

Everyone else - SRB

If you are thinking of a transfer, you MUST register at your home school first and then apply for a transfer.  For more info on the transfer policy/process, click here.

Jan 7, 2011


Well, here we go with our trek into the classics.  I have started with a list and linked it here.

There is another just for middle school students linked here.

These are just a couple to start with and if you find one, feel free to add it to the comments.  : )

Here is an easy way to determine if you have selected a great classic.  The Newbery Award winning books have the medal on the cover.  Click on the book to see a list of previous award winners.

Jan 6, 2011


Hi guys, here is the homework:

Math~ Geometry pages are due tomorrow

English~ Choose your book for book report for tomorrow

French~ Dictee on Tuesday

Science~ Science fair project

History~ Family project

Music & Drama~ Jingles, commercial and body surfers

And also tomorrow is the music enrichment so people who are going don't forget to bring in stuff that you need! Bring in the permission form Mr.Oickle gave us.

Jan 5, 2011


Okay here is our homework for today:

Math~Finish the 4-5 pages of geometry for Friday.

English~You must choose a book by Friday and run through it with Mr.Oickle and also tomorrow is out in class spelling bee so if you want to participate get ready for that.

French~ The dictée is for next Tuesday

History~The family project is due in the week of January 17th, and also don't forget to bring in your Trois Mousquetaires book to Mr.O'Brien.

Science~Science fair project

Music & Drama~ Jingles, Commercial and body surfers

Bring in your permission form for Music Enrichment and also the one from Mr.Oickle. Think that's about it, sorry if I missed anything.

Jan 4, 2011


Here is the homework for today:

English~Bring a newspaper to school for Thrusday.
~ Choose a book and go over it with Mr.Oickle by Friday.

History~The family project is due the 20th of January.

Science~Science project.

Music & Drama~ Body surfers, commercial and jingle.

And also the in-class spelling bee is this Thursday so people who want to try be ready for it!

Jan 3, 2011

Is it just me or did M. Obrien never actually talk to us about the family immigration project? He only mentionned I think but I just want to know if I'm not the only one.

Words Hurt - a bullying video

just thought i'd show this because we were talking about this before the Christmas break also today . I remember watching this a couple of years ago ,


Hey Guys! So here is the first homework blog of this year! :)

English~Find a book for your book report and talk it over with Mr.Oickle before this Friday.
~Wordles for December and November are for tomorrow.
Math~People who still havn't finished pages #1-10 on the math book need to finish those ten pages.
History~The family immgration project is due: January 20th .
Science~ Science project, keep working on it!
Music~Body Surfers.
Drama~Commercial and jingles.

I'm pretty sure that's it so have a great night!

Jan 2, 2011


Which day is it tomorrow? (1,2,3,4, or 5)

Jan 1, 2011

Umm a question for Mr Oickle, since Jan 3rd is a public holiday, why in the world is there school...? Just wondering, cuz i was planning to be in Ottawa ON Monday, so ya.


Happy New Year

Hey everyone, whats up? I just want to say Happy New Year! Can't wait for Monday! Well, I can but I don't really have a choise, so, see you then! (And I just want to say, I was the first to post in 2011! )

Queens Seeds In Residence Info

Very Cool Writing Site

Stop Death by Powerpoint